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Flutter & Dart Tips - Week In Review #9

Hello Reader,

Welcome to the 9th of the Flutter & Dart Tips series. My goal is to have at least 100 tips in this series. So far, I have shared with you 50 tips. Let's add more.

1- You can use the ShaderMask widget to apply a gradient look and feel to its child.

      body: Center(
        child: ShaderMask(
          blendMode: BlendMode.srcIn,
          shaderCallback: (Rect bounds) {
            return LinearGradient(
              colors: [,],
              tileMode: TileMode.clamp,
              const Text('This is a colorful Text', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 36)),

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Screen Shot 2021-08-07 at 3.24.01 PM

2- AnimatedSize is a widget that automatically transitions its size over a given duration whenever the given child's size changes.

class _MyStatefulWidgetState extends State<MyStatefulWidget> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
  double _size = 50.0;
  bool _large = false;

  void _updateSize() {
    setState(() {
      _size = _large ? 250.0 : 100.0;
      _large = !_large;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return GestureDetector(
      onTap: () => _updateSize(),
      child: Container(
        color: Colors.amberAccent,
        child: AnimatedSize(
          vsync: this,
          curve: Curves.easeInCirc,
          duration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
          child: FlutterLogo(size: _size),

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enter image description here

3- Use the flutter_staggered_grid_view to create a gridview of multiple columns & rows of varying sizes

  new StaggeredGridView.countBuilder(
    crossAxisCount: 4,
    itemCount: 8,
    itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) => new Container(
        child: new Center(
          child: new CircleAvatar(
            backgroundColor: Colors.white,
            child: new Text('$index'),
    staggeredTileBuilder: (int index) =>
        new StaggeredTile.count(2, index.isEven ? 2 : 1),
    mainAxisSpacing: 4.0,
    crossAxisSpacing: 4.0,

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4- You can use the ColorFiltered widget to apply a color filter to its child widgets

        children: [
          // The original image

          // The black-and-white image
            colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(Colors.grey, BlendMode.saturation),

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5- Use the flutter_speed_dial plugin to create more than one floating button on the same screen


      floatingActionButton: SpeedDial(
          icon: Icons.share,
          backgroundColor: Colors.amber,
          children: [
              child: Icon(Icons.face),
              label: 'Social Network',
              backgroundColor: Colors.amberAccent,
              onTap: () {/* Do someting */},
              child: Icon(,
              label: 'Email',
              backgroundColor: Colors.amberAccent,
              onTap: () {/* Do something */},
              child: Icon(,
              label: 'Message',
              backgroundColor: Colors.amberAccent,
              onTap: () {/* Do something */},


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6- You can create multiple shadows for a Text widget. Check the following example.

        Text('Important Text',
          style: TextStyle(
            fontSize: 50,
            fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
            shadows: [
                  offset: Offset(-50, -50),
                  blurRadius: 5),
                  offset: Offset(50, 50),
                  blurRadius: 5),

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See you next week. 👋🏻

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Cover image Bryan Turner on Unsplash

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