Oh yes, the clickbaity title... Well, not that clickbaity. I was working at my day job, sharing my screen, and I felt really odd showing the ChatGPT app + personal notes while my boss and coworkers were watching.
So, I jumped into building this app that would hide notes when I was sharing my screen—so simple.
Oh well, that was both the best and worst idea I've ever had.
Fast forward: One of my buddies asked me to share a build with him.
After a couple of weeks, I asked how he was using it. Well, turns out, he was cheating with the app.
So, I changed the copy, and suddenly I started receiving views and views and views on my app -- So now I dont know what to do created something good but used for some gray area.
This was after changing the copy of the website:
Is there a better copy I can do for the website?
Thank you for reading! I would appreciate some feedback on the website
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Looking for feedback!