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Install AUTO-GPT on mac OS (march 2024)

Python3, Git (so if you don't have them install)
Anaconda use to manage python version

  1. First Download and install anoconda:

  2. create a conda virtual env

conda create --name YOUR_NAME_HERE python=3.12.2
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press y a bunch of times

  1. activate the env
conda activate YOUR_NAME_HERE
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  1. clone the repo
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  1. cd into the folder you cloned, type LS, you should see AutoGPT

  2. follow these directions to give auto GPT your github access token:

✅ Git is configured with name 'YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME' and email ''
💡 To configure your GitHub access token, follow these steps:
    1. Ensure you are logged into your GitHub account
    2. Navigate to
    3. Click on 'Generate new token'.
    4. Click on 'Generate new token (classic)'.
    5. Fill out the form to generate a new token. Ensure you select the 'repo' scope.
    6. Open the '.github_access_token' file in the same directory as this script and paste the token into this file.

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  1. After you save this file, run the following setup command:

run this in the root of the folder. (this will install all dependencies.)

./run setup
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If it was a sucess, you should see this: if not, i am sorry.

       d8888          888             .d8888b.  8888888b. 88888888888
      d88888          888            d88P  Y88b 888   Y88b    888
     d88P888          888            888    888 888    888    888
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  d88P   888 888  888 888   888  888 888    888 888           888
 d8888888888 Y88b 888 Y88b. Y88..88P Y88b  d88P 888           888
d88P     888  "Y88888  "Y888 "Y88P"   "Y8888P88 888           888

🚀 Setup initiated...

poetry could not be found
Installing poetry...
Retrieving Poetry metadata

The latest version (1.8.2) is already installed.
✅ Git is configured with name 'chowderhead' and email ''
✅ GitHub access token loaded successfully.
✅ GitHub access token has the required permissions.
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You will also need to set up your OPEN api key.

  1. cd into /autogpts/autogpt
  2. run
cp .env.template .env
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This will create a .env where it needs to be, uncomment the line that says: OPENAI_API_KEY and add your api key here.

Before running any commands, I also had to run from the root:

this installed all required libraries

conda run pip3 install -r ./docs/requirements.txt
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Then to start an agent:

conda run ./run agent start YOUR_CONDA_ACCT_NAME
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