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Nnisarg Gada
Nnisarg Gada

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Self-Hosting PACMAN: Your Step-by-Step Guide

PACMAN, the private contact manager and networking solution, is not only an excellent tool for safeguarding your contact data but also an open-source project ready for self-hosting. If you’re eager to take control of your contact management and ensure data privacy, follow these steps to self-host PACMAN using the provided GitHub repository.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed on your server. You can download it from
  2. Git: You’ll need Git for cloning the PACMAN repository. You can download it from

Step 1: Clone the PACMAN Repository

Start by cloning the PACMAN repository to your server. Open your terminal and run the following command:

git clone
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Step 2: Navigate to the PACMAN Directory

Change your working directory to the PACMAN project folder:

cd pacman
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Step 3: Install Dependencies

PACMAN relies on several dependencies, and you can install them using npm (Node Package Manager). Run this command to install the necessary packages:

npm install
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Step 4: Configure Environment Variables

To run PACMAN successfully, you need to configure environment variables. These variables are typically stored in a data/secrets.js file. Here's how to set them:

Open the data/secrets.js file in a text editor:

vim data/secrets.js
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Replace vim with your preferred text editor if needed.

Inside the secrets.js file, define the following variables:

const secrets = {
  username: "User",
  password: "Password",

export default secrets;
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Replace 'User' and 'Password' with the username and password you want to use for PACMAN.

Save the file and exit the text editor.

Step 5: Build and Run PACMAN

With the environment variables set, you’re ready to build and run PACMAN:

npm run build
npm start
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This command will build the project and start the PACMAN server.

Step 6: Access PACMAN

Once the server is running, you can access PACMAN in your web browser by navigating to:

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Step 7: Login and Start Managing Contacts

Upon accessing PACMAN, you will be prompted to log in using the username and password you configured earlier. After logging in, you can start managing your contacts privately and securely.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully self-hosted PACMAN and can now enjoy the benefits of a private contact management and networking solution. Remember to keep your server and PACMAN updated to ensure optimal performance and security.


By self-hosting PACMAN, you’ve taken a significant step towards safeguarding your contact data and ensuring your privacy. This open-source solution empowers you to control your information while enjoying the convenience of efficient contact management. PACMAN’s future is bright, with upcoming features that will further enhance your experience.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to reclaim your data privacy and revolutionize the way you manage your contacts. PACMAN is not just a contact manager; it’s a symbol of empowerment and control in a digital age. Say hello to the future of contact management and networking with PACMAN!

If you find PACMAN valuable and appreciate the effort that went into creating it, please consider showing your support by starring the PACMAN GitHub repository. Your star not only encourages continued development but also helps more users discover this privacy-centric solution. Together, we can make PACMAN a cornerstone in the world of contact management and networking.

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