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Nitesh Kumar
Nitesh Kumar

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Create a Todo List App with React-Native and Styled components

A todo list is a simple but useful app that helps you keep track of your tasks and goals. It allows you to add, edit, delete, and mark items as done. In this article, we will learn how to create a todo list app with React Native, a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile apps using JavaScript and React.

React Native is a framework that lets you use React, a library for building user interfaces, to create native apps for iOS and Android. React Native uses native components instead of web components, which means you can access the features and performance of the native platform. React Native also supports hot reloading and live reloading, which means you can see the changes in your app instantly without rebuilding it.

To create a todo list app with React Native, we will follow these steps:

  1. Set up the development environment and install the dependencies.

  2. Create the main App component that will render the todo list and the input field.

  3. Create a custom Task component that will display each todo item and handle the editing and deleting actions.

  4. Use the useState hook to manage the state of the app, such as the list of tasks and the current input value.

  5. Use the useEffect hook to save and load the tasks from the local storage using AsyncStorage.

  6. Add some styling and icons to make the app look nicer.

Let's see how to implement each step in detail.

Step 1: Set up the development environment and install the dependencies

To start building our app, we need to set up our development environment and install some dependencies. We will use Expo, a tool that simplifies the process of developing and testing React Native apps. Expo provides a set of tools and services that let you run your app on your device or simulator without installing any native dependencies.

To install Expo, we need to have Node.js and npm installed on our system. You can download them from here. Then, we can run the following command in our terminal:

npm install --global expo-cli

This will install the Expo command line interface (CLI) globally on our system.

Next, we need to create a new project using Expo. We can do this by running:

expo init TodoList

This will create a new folder called TodoList with some boilerplate code and configuration files. We can choose a template for our project from the options that Expo provides. For this tutorial, we will use the blank template, which gives us a minimal setup.

Then, we need to navigate to our project folder and start the development server by running:

cd TodoList

expo start

This will open a web page with a QR code and some options to run our app. We can scan the QR code with our device using the Expo Go app, which we can download from here for iOS or here for Android. Alternatively, we can use an emulator or simulator on our computer by clicking on the Run on iOS simulator or Run on Android device/emulator buttons.

Before we start coding, we need to install some additional dependencies for our app. We will use styled-components, a library that lets us write CSS in JavaScript, to style our components. We will also use react-native-vector-icons, a library that provides us with icons for our app. To install these dependencies, we need to run:

npm install styled-components react-native-vector-icons

We also need to link the react-native-vector-icons library to our project by running:

expo install @expo/vector-icons

This will ensure that the icons are available for our app.

Step 2: Create the main App component that will render the todo list and the input field

Now that we have set up our project and installed our dependencies, we can start coding our app. We will use Visual Studio Code as our code editor, but you can use any editor of your choice.

We will start by creating the main App component that will render the todo list and the input field. To do this, we need to open the App.js file in our project folder and replace its content with the following code:

// Import React and useState hook

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";

import { StatusBar } from "react-native";
// Import styled-components

import styled from "styled-components/native";

// Import Task component

import Task from "./src/Task";

import AsyncStorage from "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage";
// Create a container component using styled-components

const Container = styled.View`
  flex: 1;

  background-color: #e8eaed;

// Create an input component using styled-components

const Input = styled.TextInput`
  padding: 15px;

  padding-left: 55px;

  border-color: #c0c0c0;

  border-width: 1px;

  border-radius: 60px;

  width: 90%;

  margin: 20px;

// Create an icon component using styled-components

const Icon = styled.Image`
  width: 30px;

  height: 30px;

  position: absolute;

  top: 35px;

  left: 30px;

// Create a list component using styled-components

const List = styled.ScrollView`
  margin: 20px;

// Create the main App component

export default function App() {
  // Define the state for the input value

  const [input, setInput] = useState("");

  // Define the state for the list of tasks

  const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]);

  // Define a function to handle the input change

  const handleChange = (value) => {

  // Define a function to handle the submit action

  const handleSubmit = () => {
    // Check if the input is not empty

    if (input.length > 0) {
      // Create a new task object

      const newTask = {
        id: Math.random().toString(),

        title: input,

        done: false,

      // Update the list of tasks

      setTasks([newTask, ...tasks]);

      // Reset the input value


  useEffect(() => {
    // Save tasks to local storage

    AsyncStorage.setItem("tasks", JSON.stringify(tasks));
  }, [tasks]);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Load tasks from local storage

    AsyncStorage.getItem("tasks").then((value) => {
      // Check if value is not null

      if (value) {
        // Parse value into an array and update tasks state variable

  }, []);

  return (
    // Render the container component

        placeholder="Enter a task"
      <Icon source={require("./assets/favicon.png")} />
        { => (
          <Task key={} task={task} />

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Let's break down what this code does:

  • First, we import React and the useState hook from "react". The useState hook allows us to manage the state of our component, which is the data that changes over time. We will use it to store the input value and the list of tasks.

  • Next, we import styled from "styled-components/native". This allows us to create custom components using CSS syntax. We will use it to style our container, input, icon, and list components.

  • Then, we import Task from "./components/Task". This is a custom component that we will create later to display each todo item. We will pass it the task object as a prop.

  • After that, we create a container component using styled.View. This is a basic component that renders a view that can contain other components. We give it a flex: 1 property, which means it will take up all the available space in its parent. We also give it a background-color: #e8eaed property, which sets its background color to a light gray.

  • Next, we create an input component using styled.TextInput. This is a component that renders an input field that can accept user input. We give it some padding, border, border-radius, width, and margin properties to make it look nice. We also give it a padding-left: 55px property, which creates some space for the icon component that we will add later.

  • Then, we create an icon component using styled.Image. This is a component that renders an image from a source file. We give it some width, height, position, top, and left properties to position it on top of the input component. We will use this icon as a button to add new tasks.

  • Next, we create a list component using styled.ScrollView. This is a component that renders a scrollable view that can contain other components. We give it some margin to create some space around it.

  • After that, we create the main App component and export it as default. This is the root component of our app that will render all the other components.

  • Inside the App component, we define two state variables using the useState hook: input and tasks. The input variable holds the current value of the input field, and the tasks variable holds an array of task objects. Each task object has an id, a title, and a done property. The id is a unique identifier for each task, the title is the text of the task, and the done is a boolean value that indicates whether the task is completed or not. We also define two setter functions for each state variable: setInput and setTasks. These functions allow us to update the state variables with new values.

  • Next, we define two functions to handle the input change and submit actions: handleChange and handleSubmit. The handleChange function takes a value as an argument and updates the input state variable with that value. The handleSubmit function checks if the input value is not empty and creates a new task object with that value as its title. It also generates a random id for the new task and sets its done property to false. Then, it updates the tasks state variable by

Step 3: Create a custom Task component that will display each todo item and handle the editing and deleting actions

In this step, we will create a custom Task component that will render each todo item in our list. We will also add some functionality to edit, delete, and mark the tasks as done. To do this, we need to create a new file called Task.js in the components folder and add the following code:

// Import React and useState hook

import React, { useState } from "react";

// Import styled-components

import styled from "styled-components/native";

// Import icons from react-native-vector-icons

import { AntDesign, Feather } from "@expo/vector-icons";

// Create a container component using styled-components

const Container = styled.View`
  flex-direction: row;

  align-items: center;

  background-color: #fff;

  padding: 15px;

  margin-bottom: 20px;

  border-radius: 10px;

// Create a text component using styled-components

const Text = styled.Text`
  font-size: 18px;

  margin-left: 15px;

  flex: 1;

// Create an input component using styled-components

const Input = styled.TextInput`
  font-size: 18px;

  margin-left: 15px;

  flex: 1;

// Create an icon container component using styled-components

const IconContainer = styled.TouchableOpacity`
  width: 30px;

  height: 30px;

  align-items: center;

  justify-content: center;

// Create the Task component and export it as default

export default function Task({ task }) {
  // Define the state for the editing mode

  const [editing, setEditing] = useState(false);

  // Define the state for the edited title

  const [title, setTitle] = useState(task.title);

  // Define a function to handle the edit action

  const handleEdit = () => {
    // Toggle the editing mode


    // Update the title with the edited value


    // TODO: Save the edited task to the local storage

  // Define a function to handle the input change

  const handleChange = (value) => {
    // Update the title state variable with the input value


  // Define a function to handle the delete action

  const handleDelete = () => {
    // TODO: Delete the task from the local storage and update the tasks state variable in the App component

    alert("Delete " + task.title);

  // Define a function to handle the done action

  const handleDone = () => {
    // TODO: Toggle the done property of the task in the local storage and update the tasks state variable in the App component

    alert("Done " + task.title);

  return (
    // Render the container component and pass the task id as a key prop

    <Container key={}>
      <IconContainer onPress={handleDone}>
          name={task.done ? "checkcircle" : "checkcircleo"}
      {editing ? (
        <Input value={title} onChangeText={handleChange} />
      ) : (
          style={{ textDecorationLine: task.done ? "line-through" : "none" }}

      <IconContainer onPress={handleEdit}>
        <Feather name={editing ? "check" : "edit"} size={24} color="#55BCF6" />

      <IconContainer onPress={handleDelete}>
        <AntDesign name="delete" size={24} color="#55BCF6" />

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Let's break down what this code does:

  • First, we import React and the useState hook from "react". The useState hook allows us to manage the state of our component. We will use it to store the editing mode and the edited title of each task.

  • Next, we import styled from "styled-components/native". This allows us to create custom components using CSS syntax. We will use it to style our container, text, input, and icon container components.

  • Then, we import AntDesign and Feather from "@expo/vector-icons". These are two sets of icons that we can use in our app. We will use them to render the check, edit, and delete icons for each task.

  • After that, we create a container component using styled.View. This is a basic component that renders a view that can contain other components. We give it a flex-direction: row property, which means it will arrange its children horizontally. We also give it an align-items: center property, which means it will align its children vertically in the center. We also give it some background-color, padding, margin-bottom, and border-radius properties to make it look nice.

  • Next, we create a text component using styled.Text. This is a component that renders some text. We give it a font-size: 18px property, which sets its font size to 18 pixels. We also give it a margin-left: 15px property, which creates some space on the left. We also give it a flex: 1 property, which means it will take up all the remaining space in its parent.

  • Then, we create an input component using styled.TextInput. This is a component that renders an input field that can accept user input. We give it the same properties as the text component, except for the margin-left property.

  • Next, we create an icon container component using styled.TouchableOpacity. This is a component that renders a view that can respond to touch events. We give it some width, height, align-items, and justify-content properties to position it as a square with an icon in the center.

  • After that, we create the Task component and export it as default. This is the custom component that we will use to display each todo item in our list. We pass it the task object as a prop from the App component.

  • Inside the Task component, we define two state variables using the useState hook: editing and title. The editing variable holds a boolean value that indicates whether the task is in editing mode or not. The title variable holds the current value of the task title. We also define two setter functions for each state variable: setEditing and setTitle. These functions allow us to update the state variables with new values.

  • Next, we define four functions to handle the edit, delete, done, and input change actions: handleEdit, handleDelete, handleDone, and handleChange. The handleEdit function toggles the editing mode and updates the title with the edited value. The handleDelete function deletes the task from the local storage and updates the tasks state variable in the App component. The handleDone function toggles the done property of the task in the local storage and updates the tasks state variable in the App component. The handleChange function updates the title state variable with the input value.

  • Finally, we return some JSX code that renders the container component with some icon container components and either a text or an input component depending on the editing mode.

That's how we create a custom Task component that will display each todo item and handle the editing and deleting actions.

Step 4: Use the useState hook to manage the state of the app, such as the list of tasks and the current input value

In this step, we will learn how to use the useState hook to manage the state of our app. The state is the data that changes over time in our app, such as the list of tasks and the current input value. The useState hook is a function that lets us create and update state variables in our functional components.

To use the useState hook, we need to import it from "react" at the top of our file:

import React, { useState } from "react";

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Then, we need to call it inside our component and pass it an initial value for our state variable. The useState hook returns an array with two elements: the state variable and a setter function. We can use array destructuring to assign them to some names, like this:

const [state, setState] = useState(initialValue);

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The state variable holds the current value of our state, and the setState function allows us to update it with a new value. We can use any name we want for these variables, as long as they are meaningful and consistent.

For example, in our App component, we have two state variables: input and tasks. The input variable holds the current value of the input field, and the tasks variable holds an array of task objects. We initialize them with an empty string and an empty array, respectively:

const [input, setInput] = useState("");

const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]);

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We can use these state variables in our component to render the input field and the list of tasks. For example, we can pass the input value as a prop to the Input component:

<Input value={input} />

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We can also map over the tasks array and render a Task component for each item:

{ => (

<Task key={} task={task} />


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To update our state variables, we need to call the setter functions with a new value. For example, in our handleChange function, we update the input state variable with the value that we get from the onChangeText prop of the Input component:

const handleChange = (value) => {



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Similarly, in our handleSubmit function, we update the tasks state variable by creating a new task object with the input value as its title and adding it to the beginning of the tasks array:

const handleSubmit = () => {

if (input.length > 0) {

const newTask = {

id: Math.random().toString(),

title: input,

done: false,


setTasks([newTask, ...tasks]);




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We can also pass these setter functions as props to other components that need to update our state. For example, we can pass the setTasks function as a prop to the Task component, so that it can delete or mark a task as done:

<Task key={} task={task} setTasks={setTasks} />

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That's how we use the useState hook to manage the state of our app. The useState hook allows us to create and update state variables in our functional components without using classes or lifecycle methods. It also ensures that our components re-render when our state changes.

Step 5: Use the useEffect hook to save and load the tasks from the local storage using AsyncStorage

In this step, we will learn how to use the useEffect hook to save and load the tasks from the local storage using AsyncStorage. The useEffect hook is a function that lets us perform side effects in our functional components, such as fetching data, updating the document title, or saving data to the local storage. AsyncStorage is a module that provides us with a simple and asynchronous API to store and retrieve data from the local storage of our device.

To use the useEffect hook, we need to import it from "react" at the top of our file:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";

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Then, we need to call it inside our component and pass it a callback function and an optional dependency array. The callback function is where we write our side effect code, and the dependency array is where we specify the variables that our side effect depends on. The useEffect hook will run the callback function after every render of our component, unless we provide a dependency array. If we provide a dependency array, the useEffect hook will only run the callback function when one of the variables in the array changes.

For example, in our App component, we want to save the tasks state variable to the local storage whenever it changes. To do this, we need to use the useEffect hook with a callback function that calls AsyncStorage.setItem with a key and a value. The key is a string that identifies our data, and the value is a string that represents our data. We can use JSON.stringify to convert our tasks array into a string. We also need to pass [tasks] as the dependency array, so that the useEffect hook only runs when tasks changes:

useEffect(() => {

// Save tasks to local storage

AsyncStorage.setItem("tasks", JSON.stringify(tasks));

}, [tasks]);

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Similarly, we want to load the tasks state variable from the local storage when our component mounts for the first time. To do this, we need to use another useEffect hook with a callback function that calls AsyncStorage.getItem with a key. The key is the same string that we used to save our data. The AsyncStorage.getItem method returns a promise that resolves with a value or null if no data is found. We can use JSON.parse to convert the value into an array and update our tasks state variable with it. We also need to pass an empty array as the dependency array, so that the useEffect hook only runs once:

useEffect(() => {

// Load tasks from local storage

AsyncStorage.getItem("tasks").then((value) => {

// Check if value is not null

if (value) {

// Parse value into an array and update tasks state variable




}, []);

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To use AsyncStorage, we need to import it from "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage" at the top of our file:

import AsyncStorage from "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage";

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We also need to install it as a dependency by running:

npm install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage

That's how we use the useEffect hook to save and load the tasks from the local storage using AsyncStorage. The useEffect hook allows us to perform side effects in our functional components without using classes or lifecycle methods. It also ensures that our side effects are consistent with our state and props. AsyncStorage allows us to store and retrieve data from the local storage of our device in an asynchronous way.

Step 6: Add some styling and icons to make the app look nicer

In this step, we will learn how to add some styling and icons to make our app look nicer. We will use styled-components, a library that lets us write CSS in JavaScript, to style our components. We will also use react-native-vector-icons, a library that provides us with icons for our app.

To use styled-components, we need to install it as a dependency by running:

npm install styled-components

Then, we need to import it from "styled-components/native" at the top of our file:

import styled from "styled-components/native";

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To use react-native-vector-icons, we need to install it as a dependency by running:

npm install react-native-vector-icons

Then, we need to link it to our project by running:

expo install @expo/vector-icons

Then, we need to import the icons that we want to use from "@expo/vector-icons" at the top of our file:

import { AntDesign, Feather } from "@expo/vector-icons";

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We can use styled-components to create custom components using CSS syntax. For example, we can create a container component using styled.View:

const Container = styled.View`

flex: 1;

background-color: #e8eaed;


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We can also use styled-components to style existing components, such as TextInput or Image. For example, we can create an input component using styled.TextInput:

const Input = styled.TextInput`

padding: 15px;

padding-left: 55px;

border-color: #c0c0c0;

border-width: 1px;

border-radius: 60px;

width: 250px;

margin: 20px;


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We can use react-native-vector-icons to render icons from different sets, such as AntDesign or Feather. For example, we can render an icon from AntDesign using the AntDesign component:

<AntDesign name="checkcircle" size={24} color="#55BCF6" />

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We can also use props such as name, size, and color to customize the icon.

Let's see how we can use these libraries to style our app.

Styling the App component

In the App component, we will style the container, input, icon, and list components.

The container component is a basic component that renders a view that can contain other components. We will give it a flex: 1 property, which means it will take up all the available space in its parent. We will also give it a background-color: #e8eaed property, which sets its background color to a light gray.

The input component is a component that renders an input field that can accept user input. We will give it some padding, border, border-radius, width, and margin properties to make it look nice. We will also give it a padding-left: 55px property, which creates some space for the icon component that we will add later.

The icon component is a component that renders an image from a source file. We will give it some width, height, position, top, and left properties to position it on top of the input component. We will use this icon as a button to add new tasks.

The list component is a component that renders a scrollable view that can contain other components. We will give it some margin to create some space around it.

Here is the code for the App component with styling:

// Import React and useState hook

import React, { useState } from "react";

// Import styled-components

import styled from "styled-components/native";

// Import Task component

import Task from "./components/Task";

// Create a container component using styled-components

const Container = styled.View`

flex: 1;

background-color: #e8eaed;


// Create an input component using styled-components

const Input = styled.TextInput`

padding: 15px;

padding-left: 55px;

border-color: #c0c0c0;

border-width: 1px;

border-radius: 60px;

width: 250px;

margin: 20px;


// Create an icon component using styled-components

const Icon = styled.Image`

width: 30px;

height: 30px;

position: absolute;

top: 35px;

left: 30px;


// Create a list component using styled-components

const List = styled.ScrollView`

margin: 20px;


// Create the main App component

export default function App() {

// Define the state for the input value

const [input, setInput] = useState("");

// Define the state for the list of tasks

const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]);

// Define a function to handle the input change

const handleChange = (value) => {



// Define a function to handle the submit action

const handleSubmit = () => {

// Check if the input is not empty

if (input.length > 0) {

// Create a new task object

const newTask = {

id: Math.random().toString(),

title: input,

done: false,


// Update the list of tasks

setTasks([newTask, ...tasks]);

// Reset the input value




return (

// Render the container component


// Render the input component and pass the input value and change handler as props




placeholder="Enter a task"



// Render the icon component and pass the source as a prop

<Icon source={require("./assets/add.png")} />

// Render the list component


// Map over the tasks array and render a Task component for each item

{ => (

<Task key={} task={task} />






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Styling the Task component

In the Task component, we will style the container, text, input, and icon container components. We will also use icons from react-native-vector-icons to render the check, edit, and delete icons for each task.

The container component is a basic component that renders a view that can contain other components. We will give it a flex-direction: row property, which means it will arrange its children horizontally. We will also give it an align-items: center property, which means it will align its children vertically in the center. We will also give it some background-color, padding, margin-bottom, and border-radius properties to make it look nice.

The text component is a component that renders some text. We will give it a font-size: 18px property, which sets its font size to 18 pixels. We will also give it a margin-left: 15px property, which creates some space on the left. We will also give it a flex: 1 property, which means it will take up all the remaining space in its parent.

The input component is a component that renders an input field that can accept user input. We will give it the same properties as the text component, except for the margin-left property.

The icon container component is a component that renders a view that can respond to touch events. We will give it some width, height, align-items, and justify-content properties to position it as a square with an icon in the center.

We will use icons from AntDesign and Feather to render the check, edit, and delete icons for each task. We will use props such as name, size, and color to customize the icons.

Here is the code for the Task component with styling and icons:

// Import React and useState hook

import React, { useState } from "react";

// Import styled-components

import styled from "styled-components/native";

// Import icons from react-native-vector-icons

import { AntDesign, Feather } from "@expo/vector-icons";

// Create a container component using styled-components

const Container = styled.View`

flex-direction: row;

align-items: center;

background-color: #fff;

padding: 15px;

margin-bottom: 20px;

border-radius: 10px;


// Create a text component using styled-components

const Text = styled.Text`

font-size: 18px;

margin-left: 15px;

flex: 1;


// Create an input component using styled-components

const Input = styled.TextInput`

font-size: 18px;

margin-left: 15px;

flex: 1;


// Create an icon container component using styled-components

const IconContainer = styled.TouchableOpacity`

width: 30px;

height: 30px;

align-items: center;

justify-content: center;


// Create the Task component and export it as default

export default function Task({ task }) {

// Define the state for the editing mode

const [editing, setEditing] = useState(false);

// Define the state for the edited title

const [title, setTitle] = useState(task.title);

// Define a function to handle the edit action

const handleEdit = () => {

// Toggle the editing mode


// Update the title with the edited value


// TODO: Save the edited task to the local storage


// Define a function to handle the input change

const handleChange = (value) => {

// Update the title state variable

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The project structure for the todo list app using React Native is as follows:

  • The root folder of the project is called TodoList, which contains some configuration files and folders generated by Expo, such as app.json, package.json, node_modules, etc.

  • The src folder contains the source code of our app, which consists of two files: App.js and Task.js. App.js is the main file that renders the app component, which contains the input field and the list of tasks. Task.js is the file that defines the task component, which displays each todo item and handles the editing and deleting actions.

  • The assets folder contains the image files that we use in our app, such as add.png, which is the icon for adding new tasks.

  • The components folder contains the custom components that we create using styled-components, such as Container, Input, Icon, List, Text, and IconContainer. These components are used to style our app and make it look nicer.

Here is a diagram that shows the project structure:

├── assets
│ └── favicon.png
├── src
│ └── Task.js
├── App.js
├── app.json
├── package.json
└── node_modules

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I hope this helps you understand the project structure of our app. If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know in the comments below.

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