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Nitish Kumar
Nitish Kumar

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What is SDLC ?

If you're a complete beginner in the Coding World or have just stepped into the world of Programming, It becomes essential to know some of the basic concepts before deep diving into programming. And, SDLC is one of them.

What is SDLC?

SDLC stands for Software Development Lifecycle. This is a process that Software Developers are using in the Software Industry to build, develop, make changes,and add features to the software by writing new lines of code or deleting some of it. SDLC happens in various steps . Following are the steps which are performed while building an application:

1. Requirement Gathering and Analysis

: This is the first and the most important step which is being performed. In this step, there are no. of things which are being discussed by the Panel which includes features, requirements, budget, etc. For eg. If you would like to make an android application, the things which will be discussed here can be Product features, users, user requirement, size of the application etc.

2. Planning:

Once the first step is over, the next step is to plan how the members are going to work on the project. This includes things from the step first, as well as some more things like end goal, the risk involved, assigning the duties to the team members etc. This is done through an SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document which consists of all the product requirements to be designed and developed during the project life cycle.

3. Designing:

Based on the requirements in the SRS, more than one design approach is proposed for the project with the use of DDS(Design Document Specification). A desing module defines the clear architectural module of the project. In simple language, The document mainly acts as a roadmap for developers.

4. Development:

After all the above three steps, coding actually begins to make a software. Developers write their code following the coding guidelines which are provided to them. Depending upon the project, different languages can be used in the project like Java, C, C++, Javascript etc.

5. Testing:

After writing the code , the code is actually tested if it's working fine or throwing some error at certain lines, passing the test cases etc. Usually testing is performed by the testers. Software developers perform unit testing. Ideally, the same developer who writes the production code will create the unit test.

6. Deployment:

In this step, Software is deployed in the Production environment so that users can start using it.This is usually done by the Operational team. For eg. In case of making an android application, the application will be made available to the users. Sometimes the deployment process happens with some changes. The software/application gets deployed only to certain users in order to get feedback from the users, add new features, report bugs etc. Once this is done, the software gets available to the end users.

7. Maintenance:

This is the last step of all. Basically, these steps involve making regular changes to the software in order to increase its efficiency, providing a good end user experience, fixing bugs, adding new features etc.

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