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How to Fix The Telegram Mini App Scrolling Collapse Issue: A Handy Trick

After the recent update to Telegram in version BOT API 7.7, the methods enableVerticalSwipes and disableVerticalSwipes should be used instead for solving this issue, making the below workarounds unnecessary.

Note: I was supposed to update this article with a new method due to some bugs it had, but unfortunately, I haven't had the time yet. However, based on some existing trend mini-apps, I devised a better trick to prevent the mini-app from closing and control this issue. a sample web app that uses this new trick for fixing this issue is available to check out here: (Demo Mini App). Also, I have provided the code snippets for this mini app in this Github gist.
The logic and explanations in this article remain valid and applicable.


Telegram Mini Apps empower developers to create dynamic interfaces using JavaScript directly within the platform. However, on touchscreen devices, users frequently encounter unexpected collapses or scrolling issues while interacting with these Mini Apps, significantly impacting the overall user experience.

Visual Comparsion:

Before diving into discussing why it's happening and the solution for it, let's visually observe the problem.

Swiping inside the Telegram Mini App causes it to collapse instead of scrolling Swiping inside the Telegram Mini App now correctly scrolls through the content after the issue is fixed
Bug: Swiping down the Telegram Mini App causes it to collapse instead of scrolling                      Fixed: Swiping down the Telegram Mini App now correctly scrolls through the content after the issue is fixed!

Why It Happens

The scrolling collapse occurs when the document inside the Telegram Mini App is either not scrollable (with a height equal to the viewport) or scrollable but not scrolled (where the scrollY of the window object equals zero). In such instances, swiping down is interpreted as a command to collapse the document, reducing its size.

Diagram shows why telegram miniapp collapse on scroll or swipe down action

Now let's proceed to implement the solution. I'll provide a step-by-step guide to resolve the problem.

Step-by-Step Solution:

Step 1: Ensure the Document is Scrollable:

Firstly, it's essential to ensure that the document is scrollable. We achieve this by checking if the document's scroll height is greater than the viewport height. If not, we adjust the document's height accordingly.

// Ensure the document is scrollable
function ensureDocumentIsScrollable() {
  const isScrollable =
    document.documentElement.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight;
  // Check if the document is scrollable
  if (!isScrollable) {
    Set the document's height to 100 % of
    the viewport height plus one extra pixel
    to make it scrollable.
      "calc(100vh + 1px)",

// Call ensureDocumentIsScrollable function when the entire page has loaded.
window.addEventListener("load", ensureDocumentIsScrollable);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 2: Prevent window.scrollY from Becoming Zero

Next, we prevent window.scrollY from becoming zero when swiping down on the scrollable element. This prevents unexpected collapses when swiping down.

// Prevent windwo.scrollY from becoming zero
function preventCollapse(event) {
  if (window.scrollY === 0) {
    window.scrollTo(0, 1);

// Attach the above function to the touchstart event handler of the scrollable element
const scrollableElement = document.querySelector(".scrollable-element");
scrollableElement.addEventListener("touchstart", preventCollapse);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now that we've outlined the steps, let's integrate the solution into your code. Below is the full code snippet. I've removed unnecessary code and styles to understand the code better.

      .scrollable-element {
        overflow-y: scroll;
        height: 32rem;
        font-size: 6.25rem;
        border: 1px solid;
    <div class="scrollable-element">
      <div>Item 1</div>
      <div>Item 2</div>
      <div>Item 3</div>
      <div>Item 4</div>
      <div>Item 5</div>
      <div>Item 6</div>
      <div>Item 7</div>
      <div>Item 8</div>
      <div>Item 9</div>
      <div>Item 10</div>
      function ensureDocumentIsScrollable() {
        const isScrollable =
          document.documentElement.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight;
        if (!isScrollable) {

            "calc(100vh + 1px)",
      function preventCollapse() {
        if (window.scrollY === 0) {
          window.scrollTo(0, 1);

      const scrollableElement = document.querySelector(".scrollable-element");
      scrollableElement.addEventListener("touchstart", preventCollapse);

      window.addEventListener("load", ensureDocumentIsScrollable);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

By implementing these adjustments, your Telegram Mini App will no longer suffer from unexpected collapses when scrolling for swiping down.

I encourage you to deploy the provided code for a Telegram Web App and observe the results firsthand.

Additionally, you can experience the fix in action on a Telegram Mini App I've applied this solution to: @theme_inspector_bot

Top comments (8)

tox14 profile image

This is a good solution, but I found a bug. You can watch an example video here:

Sometimes when I try to scroll up, the content flickers.

nimaxin profile image

thanks for pointing that out and sharing the video! I did notice that flickering bug and also saw that the page stretches, which is another issue. I'll update the post with a fix or a better solution soon, but I'm a bit busy right now. I'll get to it as soon as I can. thanks again for your help!

evitaly profile image
Vitaly Emelyanov

After the latest update in telegram (collapsed apps) now when expanding the app to full screen, this solution stopped working for me. Any suggestions how this can be fixed?

nimaxin profile image

You no longer need this solution. Instead, you can use the new function disableVerticalSwipes() introduced in version 7.7 of the BOT API.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

TMA Docs

evitaly profile image
Vitaly Emelyanov

Thanks, that's a huge win!

evitaly profile image
Vitaly Emelyanov

Does it work for you on ios? I still have an old behavior

Thread Thread
nimaxin profile image

This feature is available in version 7.7+. However, most versions are currently 7.6, and no update for Telegram has been released yet. I think these changes will be implemented in the next update of the Telegram app for iOS and Android, and version 7.7 will become available.

cryptobanter profile image
Mack Doe

how to use it