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Nicky Meuleman
Nicky Meuleman

Posted on • Originally published at

Advent of Code 2022 Day 25

Day 25: Full of Hot Air

TL;DR: my solution in Rust

The expedition reached the last part, a trip to the north pole via hot air balloon!

It is so cold on the mountain that the fuel needs to be pre-heated.
A machine that does this needs to know the total amount to process before it will work.

Today's input is the fuel requirements for each balloon, written in a weird number format.

An example input looks like this:

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So the amount the machine (nicknamed "Bob") has to process is the sum of all those numbers.

The numbers are in a format called SNAFU.

It's similar to decimal.
Where decimal is based on powers of 10, SNAFU is based on powers of 5.

  • In decimal, starting from the right, you have a ones place, a tens place, a hundreds place, ...
  • In SNAFU, starting from the right, you have a ones place, a fives place, a twenty-fives place, ...

The digits are similar too, with two weird ones, -, and =.

SNAFU decimal
0 0
1 1
2 2
- -1
= -2

Some examples converting decimal to SNAFU:

  • 10 in decimal is two fives and no ones, in SNAFU it is written 20.
  • 8 in decimal iss two fives minus two ones, in SNAFU it is written 2=.

And one in the other direction:

For the SNAFU number 2=-01

  • 2 in the 625s place
  • = in the 125s place
  • - in the 25s place
  • 0 in the 5s place
  • 1 in the 1s place

(2 * 625) + (-2 * 125) + (-1 * 25) + (0 * 5) + (1 * 1).
That's 1250 + -250 + -25 + 0 + 1.

Part 1

The question asks what the SNAFU number you have to supply to "Bob"'s console is.


A function that converts SNAFU string to a decimal number.

With a running total that starts at 0:
Look at a single SNAFU digit at a time, converting it to decimal.
To get the new running total: multiply the current running total by 5 and add the converted digit.

fn to_decimal(snafu: &str) -> i64 {
    snafu.chars().fold(0, |decimal, snafu_digit| {
        let decimal_digit = ['=', '-', '0', '1', '2']
            .position(|c| c == snafu_digit)
            .unwrap() as i64
            - 2;
        decimal * 5 + decimal_digit
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A function that converts a decimal number to a SNAFU string.


It calculates the last SNAFU digit and adds it the the end of all the other SNAFU digits.
It does this by using that base 5/power of 5 property.
Keeping into account SNAFU digits start at -2.

fn to_snafu(decimal: i64) -> String {
    if decimal == 0 {
        return String::new();

    let decimal_remainder = decimal % 5;
    let snafu_digit = ['0', '1', '2', '=', '-'][decimal_remainder as usize];

    let new_decimal = (decimal + 2) / 5;
    let mut snafu = to_snafu(new_decimal);

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Using those helpers, the final code:

  • Converts all input SNAFU numbers to decimal.
  • Sums all those decimal numbers.
  • Converts that decimal sum back to SNAFU.

Final code

pub fn part_1(input: &str) -> String {
    let sum = input.lines().map(to_decimal).sum();

fn to_decimal(snafu: &str) -> i64 {
    snafu.chars().fold(0, |decimal, snafu_digit| {
        let decimal_digit = ['=', '-', '0', '1', '2']
            .position(|c| c == snafu_digit)
            .unwrap() as i64
            - 2;
        decimal * 5 + decimal_digit

fn to_snafu(decimal: i64) -> String {
    if decimal == 0 {
        return String::new();

    let new_decimal = (decimal + 2) / 5;
    let mut snafu = to_snafu(new_decimal);

    let decimal_remainder = decimal % 5;
    let snafu_digit = ['0', '1', '2', '=', '-'][decimal_remainder as usize];

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Part 2

An Elf hands you a single star.
Combined with the 49 you gathered on the expedition you make a smoothie and deliver it to the reindeer!

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