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Nikhil Savalgi
Nikhil Savalgi

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Websites Every Programmer Should Know

When i was learning Computer Science, there are some useful sites that I came across. Here is a non-exhaustive list of some sites you should visit. This list will get updated as soon as I can get another link, but you can also contribute by adding those you know πŸ˜‰.

When you get stuck

1. Codementor : A mentorship community to learn from fellow
developers via live 1:1 help and more.
2. devRant : Community where you can rant and release your stress
3. Google : A search engine for anything you get stuck with.
4. Stack Overflow : subscribe to their weekly newsletter and any other topic which you find interesting.

Coding practice for beginners

  1. freeCodeCamp: Learn to code and build projects for nonprofits. Build your full stack web development portfolio today
  2. Blackbird School: Learn to code online with our beginner-friendly platform.
  3. interesting programming challenges where you can learn from looking at other's code, even if you are not able to solve code you can look at how others solved.
  4. InterviewBit | Coding Interview Questions : Gamifies the experience of practicing for your interview and includes lots of sample problems to solve.
  5. Lod-Cloud: The Linking Open Data cloud diagram
  6. Pramp: It's your turn to be the interviewer. when done, click on the swap roles button on the left
  7. treehouse: The fast, easy, and affordable way to build your skills.
  8. GeeksforGeeks: Learn to code, Study for placement, Do competitive coding.
  9. edabit: Practice coding via various small challenges.
  10. Learn Git Branching : Learn and practice git commands in an interactive way.


  1. AngelList: AngelList is a website for startups, angel investors, and job-seekers looking to work at startups.
  2. CareerBuilder: CareerBuilder is one of the largest job boards, providing job listings, resume posting, and career advice and resources to job seekers.
  3. Dice: Dice is the leading site for tech job seekers. You can search by company, job title, keyword, employment type, and location.
  4. Glassdoor: Find the job that's right for you. Search all the open positions on the web. Get your own personalized salary estimate.
  5. Indeed: Find international jobs on Indeed and get a market salary for your dedication and devotion.
  6. SimplyHired: Simply Hired is a free job search engine (and mobile app) that takes the hassle out of getting hired and provides you with all the information you need to make a sound career move.
  7. Undercover Recruiter: Become Recruiter, Candidate or Employer. You can get your job easily here.
  8. Who is Hiring: An awesome resource for searching, filtering, and finding new and attractive jobs according to your needs and interests.
  9. ZipRecruiter: The Smartest Way to Get Hired.
  10. RemoteML : Remote Machine Learning jobs.
  11. Linkedin jobs : A very nice research tool for programming jobs

Top comments (3)

nombrekeff profile image

NO, not every programmer should know them... they might be useful to some of them though

ahoulgour profile image

ZipRecruiter, the spam masters

asadanik profile image
Asad Anik
