DEV Community

Nhan Nguyen
Nhan Nguyen

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Angular v18 highlights

โ€‹The Angular v18 has been released ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€.

Check out the official announcement for in-depth updates.

Some highlights of this new version are here:

โž– Control flow syntax is now stable, and useful warnings are included when the track option is not used correctly.

โž– Defer block is also stable for lazy-loading Angular templates any way we want.

โž– Zoneless change detection to unlock the full benefits of signal-based components.

โž– Fallback content for content projection with ng-content. Here is how to use it to make the default content โ€œHiโ€ in this example if the select query doesnโ€™t return anything:

<ng-content select=".greeting">Default</ng-content>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

โž– New events Observable available on form controls, which returns any event going on in that control, including the different form state properties (valid, pristine, etc.)

โž– etc

I hope you found it helpful. Thanks for reading. ๐Ÿ™

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