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Cover image for [Apache Superset] Topic #4, Integrate 2D/3D maps into Superset
Duc Nguyen Thanh
Duc Nguyen Thanh

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[Apache Superset] Topic #4, Integrate 2D/3D maps into Superset

Hello, I'm Duc Nguyen (Duke)

If you have not read the previous articles, please read it before practicing this one.

Topic #1, What is Apache Superset used for and how to install it on Windows 11
Topic #2, Superset ARCHITECTURE
Topic #3, Visualization data from CSV data file

Today I will guide you to insert 2D/3D maps into Superset dashboard in the Superset tutorial series.
Maps in Superset Maps in Superset 2

First, you need a MapBox API token, if you don't have an account, register here

MapBox API token

Fill in the API token from the previous step into MAPBOX_API_KEY='' in the superset\docker\.env file
Fill in the API token

Finally, go to Chart > Create chart then select charts with tags #2D, #3D, Geo, deckGL and choose the chart type you want.

Note that, since you change the value in the environment, you should restart the container for the change to take effect.

and here is the result

Have any questions? Stay tuned for the next topic in the Apache Superset tutorial series.

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