DEV Community

Ngeno Hillary
Ngeno Hillary

Posted on

My Fetch API Wrapper Function

After learning higher-order functions in Javascript, I decided to write this Fetch API wrapper function.

export const http = (method=`GET`, data={},) => {

    const baseURL = `http://localhost:8000/api/v1`;
    const headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
      'X-CSRF-TOKEN': document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').content,
      'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',

    const body = JSON.stringify({,

    switch (method) {
        case `GET`:

            return (url) =>  fetch(`${baseURL}/${url}`, { method, headers,})
              .then(response => { 
                if(parseInt(response.status) > 300) {
                  return response.json().then(resp => {

                    return Promise.reject(resp);

                return response.json().then(resp => {
                  return Promise.resolve(resp);

        case `POST`:
            return (url) =>fetch(`${baseURL}/${url}`, {method, headers, body,})
              .then(response => { 
                if(parseInt(response.status) > 300) {
                  return response.json().then(resp => {

                    return Promise.reject(resp);

                return response.json().then(resp => {
                  return Promise.resolve(resp);

        case `DELETE`:

            return (url) => fetch(`${baseURL}/${url}`, {method,  headers, body,})
              .then(response => { 
                if(parseInt(response.status) > 300) {
                  return response.json().then(resp => {

                    return Promise.reject(resp);

                return response.json().then(resp => {
                  return Promise.resolve(resp);

        case `PUT`:

            return (url) => fetch(`${baseURL}/${url}`, {method,  headers, body,})
              .then(response => { 
                if(parseInt(response.status) > 300) {
                  return response.json().then(resp => {

                    return Promise.reject(resp);

                return response.json().then(resp => {
                  return Promise.resolve(resp);

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How I implement it on my application:

import {http} from './http';
http('POST', { name: "ngeno7"})('user-endpoint').then(response => {
console.log("data", response);
}).catch(error => {
console.log("error", error);
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Top comments (2)

peter_shenoda profile image
peter shenoda

Bro you should use axios.
axios use xhr and it's more compatible with old browsers than fetch

epsi profile image
E.R. Nurwijayadi

Use class instead.