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Meghan (she/her)
Meghan (she/her)

Posted on

Escaping backticks in a code block block does not work

I swear I'm not trying to find bugs in the markdown parser XD but if you escape backticks while in a code block block then it does not work.

IE what I was trying to do is show someone how to format a code block and this is what happened

  • How to reproduce
  • did 3 backticks
  • new line, 3 backticks escaped with / but backslash
  • normal code
  • 3 more escaped backticks
  • 3 actual backticks to close the block

What that looks like when done can be seen below


require "zlib"

def compress_file(file_name)
  zipped = "#{file_name}.gz" do |gz|
    gz.write IO.binread(file_name)
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edit: so it seems that in a post this works in post, but also includes the backticks. the garbled mess that I first encountered was from a comment so I'll post it there too

Top comments (4)

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her) • Edited
require "zlib"

def compress_file(file_name)
  zipped = "#{file_name}.gz" do |gz|
    gz.write IO.binread(file_name)

okay, now its the same as above, idk what happened Β―\(ツ)/Β―

cstayyab profile image
Muhammad Tayyab Sheikh

I came here looking for the solution of same problem. Turns out I missed closing backticks at one place in my blog. 😁😁😁 (By the way, I have just published it, you may read it here:

pythonperfection profile image
Eli Ostreicher

For the next person running into this issues, wrap the fenced block in ~~~ instead of backticks.
This will allow for any backticks inside the block to show as actual backticks.

hasanthesyrian profile image

I'm trying to do the same thing, but it's not working!

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## Introduction[1]
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