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Embarking on a New Journey: From Challenges to Code


Hello world! I’m Nick, and this is the beginning of my journey into the world of software development—a journey not born out of traditional pathways but through unexpected life twists. At 30, after a challenging year dealing with the aftermath of encephalitis, which had a big impact on my health and cognitive abilities, I found myself at a career crossroads. This blog is my platform to share my experiences, learnings, and projects as I navigate through the complex yet thrilling world of coding.

My Story

Late last year, my life took an unexpected turn when I was diagnosed with encephalitis. The recovery process was tough, not just physically but mentally and emotionally, as I grappled with significant changes in my physical and cognitive functions. My previous career path was no longer feasible. Amidst this turmoil, I discovered a silver lining—a burgeoning interest in data and puzzles led me to programming.

Why I Chose Software Development

Software development appeals to me because it’s like solving a puzzle. There’s a thrill in piecing together code and seeing it transform into something tangible and impactful. It combines my love for problem-solving with my newfound interest in technology, offering a way to rebuild my professional life on my own terms.

What to Expect From This Blog

  • Learning Updates: I'll share insights from my studies, highlighting both the triumphs and the hurdles.
  • Project Showcases: Watch me apply what I’ve learned in real-time as I build and refine projects from scratch.
  • Tech Reviews: As I explore various technologies, I’ll share my honest feedback on what works and what doesn’t, aiming to help others like me who might be starting out.
  • Personal Reflections: Navigating a career change is no small feat. I’ll open up about the challenges and victories along the way.


My immediate goal is to develop a strong foundational understanding of front-end technologies, eventually moving into full-stack development. I aspire to freelance and build solutions that make a difference, embracing the flexibility to manage my health and professional growth.

Join Me on This Adventure

I invite you to follow along, engage with my posts, and share your thoughts and advice. Whether you’re a seasoned developer with wisdom to impart or someone considering a similar path, let’s learn from each other.

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