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Ilyas Filali
Ilyas Filali

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keyboard-centric computing.

A Guide to Mogg Your Mouse-Dependent Colleagues.

Keyboard-centric computing Or "keyboard-driven workflow" It's a way of navigating and interacting with your computer primarily or exclusively using the keyboard, which can greatly enhance productivity and reduce reliance on a mouse, therefore making you faster. When you think about opening a program or switching to a browser tab, you'll do that right away, rather than picking up your mouse, visually searching for the thing you will click like a lost grandma trying to figure out Facebook, moving your cursor on top of it and clicking.

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1. Ditch the Mouse – It’s a Crutch for the Weak

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First things first, toss that mouse. Seriously, get it out of here. Nothing says, “I have no idea what I’m doing,” like flailing around with a mouse trying to close a tab. Real programmers navigate their digital domain with nothing but their keyboard, like a conductor leading a symphony—or a dictator ruling with an iron fist. Same thing, really.

How to Mogg:

  • The next time you see someone reaching for their mouse, give them a pitying look and say, “Still using training wheels, huh?” Then, open 20 tabs, close half of them, and switch between the remaining ones—all without touching a mouse. Bonus points if you do it while making eye contact.

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2. Master the Shortcuts – Because Efficiency is Sexy

You know what’s sexy? Efficiency. You know what’s not? Watching some guy stumble through menus trying to find where to paste his code. Learn your keyboard shortcuts, and learn them well. It’s like having cheat codes for life, and who doesn’t love cheating? Wait, don’t answer that. The point is, shortcuts are the key to looking like you’re always in control, even when your code’s about to crash and burn.

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Essential Shortcuts to Learn:

  • Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V – Yeah, yeah, you already know these, but do you know how to do it without moving your pinky? Work on that finger dexterity, champ.
  • Alt + Tab – Switch between open applications faster than your manager can switch their opinion on whether or not you should use tabs or spaces.
  • Ctrl + Shift + T – Reopen that tab you closed when you panicked after accidentally deleting half your project. And do it like you meant to.

  • When someone asks how you managed to refactor that code so quickly, just smirk and say, “It’s all in the fingers, pal.” Leave them guessing if you’re talking about coding or something else entirely.

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3. Learn a Tiling Window Manager – Because Real Men Don’t Manually Resize Windows

You ever see those guys who are dragging windows around the screen, trying to get everything just right? Amateurs. Real programmers use tiling window managers that automatically arrange their workspace. i3wm, XMonad, bspwm—these are the tools of the pros. You don’t arrange windows; windows arrange themselves around you.

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How to look the coolest, and get the girl you always wanted:

  • This is your chance Challenge your coworkers to a race. Tell them to open five programs, arrange them perfectly, and switch between them. While they’re still struggling with their mouse, you’re already halfway through your workday. When they ask how you did it, just say, “What, you don’t use a tiling window manager? What is this, 1995?”

4. Embrace the Command Line – Because Clicking is for the Birds

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If you’re still opening files and running scripts by clicking icons, you might as well be playing Minesweeper. The command line is where the real action happens. Want to compile your code? Run tests? Launch a nuclear missile? Do it all from the terminal. (Okay, maybe not the missile part…unless you’re working on some really interesting projects.)

5. Use Vim (or Emacs) – Because Real Programmers Love Pain

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Let’s get one thing straight: Vim is hard. It’s confusing, unintuitive, and sometimes feels like it was designed by someone who hates you. But once you master it, it’s like learning how to fight blindfolded—you’re just that much more badass. If you’re feeling particularly masochistic, go for Emacs. Either way, you’re in for a world of hurt…which is exactly why it’s so satisfying.

For when that holy moment comes:

  • When someone asks what text editor you use, scoff and say, “Vim, obviously.” If they don’t get it, just shake your head and mutter something about amateurs. Then, casually exit Vim without Googling how to do it first.

6. Customize Your Split Keyboard – Because You’re Not Just a Programmer, You’re an artiste(in French)

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Look, anyone can buy a keyboard off the shelf. But a real programmer builds their own. A split keyboard isn’t just a tool—it’s an extension of your soul. Customize those keys, program macros, and make it so you can navigate your entire computer without ever lifting your hands. By the time you’re done, your keyboard should look more like the cockpit of a fighter jet than something you type emails on.


  • When someone asks why your keyboard looks like it was made by a mad scientist, tell them, “It’s customized for efficiency. You wouldn’t understand.” Then proceed to do something insane like close 10 tabs, resize your windows, and push code to GitHub—all in 10 seconds.

Conclusion: The Path to Keyboard-Only Domination

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Here’s the thing: Being a keyboard-only programmer isn’t just about looking cool (though it does make you look cool as hell). It’s about taking control of your environment and working as efficiently as possible. The less you rely on a mouse, the more you’ll be in command of your workflow. And when you’re in command, you’re the alpha—plain and simple.

So, go ahead. Toss that mouse, learn those shortcuts, and start mogging the hell out of your colleagues. Because at the end of the day, nothing says “I’m the boss” like navigating your entire digital world with nothing but your fingers and a smirk.

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And hey, if anyone asks how you got so good at it, just tell them, “I’m not here to click. I’m here to code.”

Now, go forth and conquer.

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