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Tool to release self-made package to Github at high speed

Using rgh, You can release self-made package easily and fastly to github.


In the demo, a release is created with the v0.1.0 tag, and three files under /dist are uploaded in parallel


The repository is obtained from the local .git directory, and GitHub token reads the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN.
It is also possible to pass it as an option instead of an environment variable.

        --commit <target-commitish>    Specifies the commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from.
                                       Can be any branch or commit SHA. Unused if the Git tag already exists. Default:
                                       the repository's default branch (usually master).
    -t, --token <token>                Set Github API Token (By default reads the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable)
        --title <name>                 The title of the release
    -b, --body <body>                  Text describing the contents of the tag.
        --draft <draft>                 [possible values: true, false]
        --prerelease <prerelease>       [possible values: true, false]

    <tag>         tag
    <packages>    upload packages dir or file


Pre-compiled executables

Get them here

using homebrew

brew install k-nasa/tap/rgh

using cargo

Currently it cannot be built with the stable version.

cargo +beta install rgh

I plan to add options while maintaining a simple interface.

I would be happy if you commented on the features I wanted.

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