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Rodrigo Alexandre profile picture

Rodrigo Alexandre

My professional objective is to help people and companies in the development of solutions that impacts their business and brands with financial, social and ambient sustainability.

Location Atibaia, Brazil Joined Joined on  github website twitter website
Creating a Social Network for Bakers with the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence as an Assistant. part 2

Creating a Social Network for Bakers with the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence as an Assistant. part 2

2 min read

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Creating a Social Network for Bakers with the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence as an Assistant. part 1

Creating a Social Network for Bakers with the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence as an Assistant. part 1

4 min read
Usando o useEffect de modo assincrono

Usando o useEffect de modo assincrono

1 min read
Atualizando os projetos base da Alura para React Native

Atualizando os projetos base da Alura para React Native

1 min read
Minha Configuração para Rodar React Native CLI com Java 17

Minha Configuração para Rodar React Native CLI com Java 17

Comments 1
2 min read
Digital Twins: realidade virtual aplicada muito além da Meta

Digital Twins: realidade virtual aplicada muito além da Meta

3 min read