DEV Community

Nabhan Naushad
Nabhan Naushad

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How to begin web development.!

I wanted to start web development but I get mixed reviews on where to start. Some say start with CSS and then JavaScript. Some say HTML is just enough.
I am a first year engineering student in electronics and communication. There is no need of web development in my course but I would like to learn it for freelancing.

Top comments (2)

rachelmlawson profile image
Rachel Lawson

Definitely start with HTML, then CSS. With just these two, you will be able to build simple static web pages. If you find that you like it, definitely learn JavaScript, too. With JavaScript, your websites be much more interactive than what you can do with just HTML/CSS. There are tons of free learning resources you can check out. I'm working through The Odin Project right now and it's great (and free!). From my understanding, if you want to pursue web development as a career, you're probably going to need to know all three of these languages.

techman09 profile image

HTML first, then CSS. Once you understand that, add in JS. JS is not very useful if you don’t know HTML and CSS first.