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Testing vue-apollo Components with Jest

Natalia Tepluhina on August 17, 2018

Recently I've been working on some tests for Vue single-file components with vue-apollo queries and mutations. Unfortunately, there are not so many...
danroc profile image
Daniel da Rocha

That’s a great article, Natalia, thank you.

Did you ever have to test Vue components with <apollo-query> components in it though?
How would you encapsulate the data if the query is not in the apollo property?

n_tepluhina profile image
Natalia Tepluhina

To be honest (and it's completely my personal preference) I prefer not to use Vue Apollo components. I know it's a valid way of doing things and it's a default for e.g. React; but I like my query logic separated from the template.

Perhaps I should try to test components with <ApolloQuery> and update an article though, thank you for the great question.

danroc profile image
Daniel da Rocha

Yeah, I am starting to think that the benefits do not compensate the issues with both testing and with Storybook.

I am on the verge of ditching them altogether. I find it also frustrating the lack of documentation about it; while at the same time that the vue-apollo docs express the wonders of using these components, they fail to mention how to test them.

Recently there was a recommendation to use <apollo-query> components with inline gql-formatted query, as "best practice". But it stopped there, and any component written this way seems to be untestable with current tools.

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tavo1987 profile image
Edwin Ramírez • Edited

Hi Daniel, I have the same problem, do you have any progress on this?

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danroc profile image
Daniel da Rocha

No, I just ditched the components alltogether.

I am also thinking of moving on from vue-apollo, especially when Vue3 comes around. Maybe try Villus?

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tavo1987 profile image
Edwin Ramírez • Edited

I haven't tried it yet but it looks like an interesting option.

I was able to test the component is rendered and receive the correct properties, what I can't achieve is mock the data that the component returns.

My tests look like this so far:


            v-test="{ id: 'apollo-query' }"
            :variables="{ id: 1 }"
      <template v-slot="{ result: { loading, error, data } }">
        <div v-if="loading">
        <div v-else-if="error">An error occurred</div>
        <div v-else-if="data">{{ data.hello }}</div>
        <div v-else>No result :(</div>


import { mount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils'
import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'
import Hello from '@/components/Hello'

const localVue = createLocalVue()

describe('Hello.vue', () =>() {
    test('renders an ApolloQuery component', () =>{
        const wrapper = moun(Hello, {
            // To remove error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'loading' of undefined"
            // More info about this 
            $apolloData: {
              loading: false

        // I'm using a custom directive v-test that transform this v-test="{id: 'foo'}" to [data-test-id=foo]
        const apolloQuery = wrapper.find('[data-test-id=apollo-query]')

        expect(apolloQuery.props().variables).toEqual({ id: 1 })
tavo1987 profile image
Edwin Ramírez

Hi Natalia, If you do it would be very helpful and should also be in the documentation

austinbv profile image
Austin Vance

You have a great series of blog posts.

One thing we have struggled to test is dynamic queries or variables in smart queries.

  name: 'TestComponent',
  apollo: {
    human: {
      query: gql`query GetHumans($ID: ID!) {
      human(id: $id) {
    variables() {
      return {
        id: this.$,

I would love to write a test that is something like

it('gets queries for the correct user', () => {
  mount(TestComponent, {
    mocks: {
      params: {
        id: "1"

  // expect query to be called with an ID of "1"

It seems like because vue-apollo isn't mounted in test we cant test the variables function directly or indirectly as it doesn't exist on the vm. Is there a way to get at the apollo section of the vm in test?


n_tepluhina profile image
Natalia Tepluhina

You can try to play with mocking $apollo object on mounting. I've added this section to Vue Apollo docs recently:

Please let me know if it's useful for your case! If it's not, we'll try to figure out the best way to do it

austinbv profile image
Austin Vance • Edited

I decided to test the variables functions directly.

the winning incantation is

const wrapper = mountVue(GroupsIndex, {
  mocks: {
    $route: {
      params: { userId: 6 },
      query: { zip: 50500 },

// @ts-ignore

// @ts-ignore

I'm working a mock provider that provides access to stuff thing this so it's a bit less of a dig to test


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austinbv profile image
Austin Vance

I posted a short blog post for people about this