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Miguel Vasquez
Miguel Vasquez

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Python: what it is and why you should train to use it

Did you know that there are more than 700 programming dialects? In fact, some sources indicate that there may still be… close to 9,000 programming lexicons! Learning them all would be unattainable, however, by chance, the most used today are only 50, and among them is Python. Do you want to know what Python is, what it is for and why it is one of the most pronounced dialects in the universe of program increment? keep reading!

What is it and what is Python for?

Python is a high-grade programming style that is used to build applications of all kinds. Unlike other argots such as Java or .Net, a glossed language is negotiated, in other words, it is not automatically compiled to carry out persistences written in Python, but rather they are executed abruptly by the reformer using a plan named interpreter, for what is not machine language "translate" it into machine language.

Python is an easy dictionary to guess and write due to its inscription uniformity with the fraternal dialect. In addition, a multiplatform language of open edict is negotiated and, therefore, free, which allows the projection of widgets without limits. With the farce of the moment, Python has gained popularity due to its confidence and its extensive arts, especially in recent years, since it makes it easier to strive with industrial capacity, big time, machine learning and science time, among many other booming gyms.

So that you can appreciate how simple Python is, fob has a simple schema written in this vocabulary, which you will naturally know even if you know nothing about programming. A small application to estimate an emolument per hour, not very simple although it could be rightly effective, would be pimped:

hours = float(input("Enter your working hours: "))
cost = float(input("Enter what you charge per hour: "))
salary = hours * cost
print("Your salary is", salary)

In between the first lines, the winner is asked to enter how many hours he has worked and what he charges per hour. In the third, the import is made to determine the total salary and it is observed in a variable. In the last line of the precept, it is printed by antipara el refluido. If, for example, we say that we have worked 8 hours at €15, the blind will print “your salary is 120”.

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