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New Changes to TexCreate

TexCreate has probably been one of my biggest projects because I actually want to keep on improving it. It's the only project I probably use daily, and now it's getting to the point where I'm expanding it so each sort of area in it can be easily altered or optimized.

How do you say? Well from converting the single package and an awkward library to the side to a whole Cargo workspace. So here are the changes:

members = [
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  • texcreate: The main CLI application
  • web: The rocket web server to run TexCreate web locally
  • templates: Contains everything related to the prebuilt templates
  • config: Contains everything related to building the project

Another inside the hood thing is making almost everything asynchronous, now why would I want that? Well especially in multi-mode, I don't want it to run synchronously in the case one project messes with the other, and for the case someone tries to build 50 projects or something.

Now usually it's fast in any case, but going with async means I am more fool proof in the extreme cases, and also why not!

Currently it will take a while to migrate these changes to the current build, but I hope that once I do development will be less of a task, or at least a better experience.

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