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Cover image for Lizard Engine, A new engine to be?
Matthew Harris
Matthew Harris

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Lizard Engine, A new engine to be?

Hello everyone, hope you are having a amazing day

Today I'm deciding to tell you all about something cool I'm working on.

I am working on a game engine utilizing WebGL BUT there will be support for making desktop apps via tauri.

There will also be a visual editor for it sometime in the future.

The goal of lizard engine is to be strong engine made for smaller games that can also be utilized for bigger games.

The game engine is built directly on top of WebGL with no other frameworks (aside tauri for desktop apps when support for that is added).

Aside from that i would love to see some of you contribute on the project or even just take a look, And maybe start it ;).

Anyway the repo can be found on github here

Have a good day everyone

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