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Pranav Bakare
Pranav Bakare

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Git Merge and Git Rebase

Certainly! Below is a detailed explanation of Git Merge and Git Rebase, including theoretical concepts and practical examples.

Git Merge

Theoretical Explanation


Git Merge is a command that combines the changes from two or more branches. The most common usage is to merge a feature branch into the main branch.

How It Works:

When you merge, Git creates a new commit called a merge commit that has two parent commits: one from each of the branches being merged. This merge commit represents the combined history of both branches.


Maintains the complete history of the branch, making it easier to understand the context of changes.

Useful for collaborative workflows where multiple developers are working on separate branches.


The commit history can become complex and less linear, which may make it harder to follow.

Practical Example

  1. Create a Main Branch and a Feature Branch:

git checkout -b main
echo "Initial content" > file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "Initial commit on main"

git checkout -b feature-branch
echo "Feature A" >> file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "Add Feature A"

  1. Make Changes to the Main Branch:

git checkout main
echo "Update from main" >> file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "Update from main"

  1. Merge the Feature Branch into Main:

git merge feature-branch

  1. Resulting Commit History:

The resulting commit history will look something like this:

  • Merge commit (main) |\ | * Commit on feature-branch (Add Feature A)
  • | Commit on main (Update from main) |/
  • Initial commit

The merge commit shows that the changes from both branches have been integrated, preserving their histories.

Git Rebase

Theoretical Explanation


Git Rebase is a command that integrates changes from one branch into another by moving the entire branch to begin on the tip of the target branch. This creates a linear history without a merge commit.

How It Works:

When you rebase, Git takes the commits from the feature branch and applies them on top of the current branch. This effectively "replays" the feature branch commits one by one.


Creates a clean, linear commit history, making it easier to understand the project history.

Helps to avoid unnecessary merge commits, which can clutter the history.


It rewrites commit history, which can be problematic for shared branches because it may lead to confusion and conflicts if others have based their work on the original commits.

Practical Example

  1. Create a Main Branch and a Feature Branch (same as before):

git checkout -b main
echo "Initial content" > file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "Initial commit on main"

git checkout -b feature-branch
echo "Feature A" >> file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "Add Feature A"

  1. Make Changes to the Main Branch:

git checkout main
echo "Update from main" >> file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "Update from main"

  1. Rebase the Feature Branch onto Main:

git checkout feature-branch
git rebase main

  1. Resulting Commit History:

The resulting commit history will look something like this:

  • Commit on feature-branch (Add Feature A)
  • Commit on main (Update from main)
  • Initial commit

The commits from the feature branch are applied on top of the main branch, resulting in a linear history without a merge commit.

Key Differences Recap


Both Git Merge and Git Rebase are essential tools for managing branches in Git. The choice between them often depends on the team's workflow preferences and the need for a clean project history. Merge is preferable for collaborative environments, while rebase is often used for individual feature branches where a linear history is desired.

Top comments (1)

latex_wei profile image
LaTex wei

If the main branch commit too many at the same line with feature branch, git rebase will result in terrible and complex conflicts. Which is terrible in collabrative situation.