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Morcos Gad
Morcos Gad

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New Things Added - Laravel 9.24 , 9.25 Released

Let's get started quickly I found new things in Laravel 9.24 , 9.25 Released I wanted to share with you.

new Artisan commands for databases: db:show, db:table, and db:monitor

db:show gives you an overview of the database. It includes things like DB type, DB size, version, username, and more

php artisan db:show
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db:table command lets you see details about a table, including the number of rows, column details, indexes, and more

php artisan db:table users
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db:monitor command lets you see things like the number of connections to the database

php artisan db:monitor
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doesnt_end_with validation rule to check if a string doesn't end with a given substring. Here's an example from the pull request tests

// Validation passes
$v = new Validator(
  ['x' => 'hello world'],
  ['x' => 'doesnt_end_with:hello']


// Validation fails
$v = new Validator(
  ['x' => 'hello world'],
  ['x' => 'doesnt_end_with:world']

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Image description

<x-icon @class(['lg' => $large]) />
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restoreQuietly() method that restores a soft-deleted model without raising any events

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adding the macroable trait to the Config repository so users can extend it in their apps

config()->macro('sayHello', function () {
    return 'Hello, world';

config()->sayHello(); // Hello, world
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whenNotExactly string method that will execute a given callback if the string is not an exact match with the given value

str('test')->exactly('test'); // true

str('test')->whenExactly('test', function () {
  dd('OK'); // OK

str('test')->whenNotExactly('Test', function () {
  dd('OK'); // OK
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use Illuminate\Support\Str;

// Returns `Iron Man`
    ->whenNotExactly('Tony Stark', function ($stringable) {
        return 'Iron Man';

// Provide an optional default value if `false`
// Returns `Swing and a miss...!`
Str::of('Tony Stark')
    ->whenNotExactly('Tony Stark', function ($stringable) {
        return 'Iron Man';
    }, function ($stringable) {
        return 'Swing and a miss...!';
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$touched = User::find(1)->touch();
$touched = User::query()->touch();
$touched = User::where('email', 'like', '')->touch();

$published = Post::query()->touch('published_at');
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php artisan db:table hello_world
//  Table hello_world doesn't exist. 
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I hope you enjoyed with me and to learn more about this release visit the sources and search more. I adore you who search for everything new.
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