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Discussion on: Resume Review

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Ben Sinclair

Hi Jack.

I like the look of this immediately, but there are a couple of things I would change:

  • The headings have underlines on them which make them look like links (they're not)
  • The employment timeline and skills sections are very large compared to the rest of the page, and they take up a lot of vertical space, which feels unbalanced.
  • The accordion effect for the previous roles is nice, but I don't know why it's there. Why do I need to click to read the text? It's not to save vertical space (see previous point) and there's not a lot of text in them, so why not leave them open?
  • I don't know why the roles on the timeline have a hover effect, because it makes me think I can interact with them and I'm left clicking to no effect.
  • In general it feels like things get more claustrophobic the further down the page I scroll, with less padding and ending up with one giant image. Perhaps this could be made into a thumbnail link?
  • From the two projects, one has an image associated with it and one doesn't. It'd be nice to add an image to the first one (the desktop recreation) provided that's not using copyrighted assets or anything.

I really like the way you talk about "Professional Highlights" and "Projects I'm Proud Of". This gives me the impression that you're selecting things you think will interest me as a prospective employer, rather than turfing out every project you've ever done. Saying you're proud of something and showing it off is also a great way to impress people.