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Naseem Mohammed
Naseem Mohammed

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Using Codeship to Deploy a Microservice onto Oracle Kubernetes Engine

So, I was looking at an alternative to Azure DevOps and Jenkins to build a CI CD pipeline for a new project. A friend had asked me for a recommendation. He wanted to host microservices in Oracle Kubernetes Service.

I had heard about Codeship and had wanted to give it a try for a while. So this was the nudge I needed and spend the weekend over it. And it was totally worth it.

There are two versions of Codeship. Basic and Pro. Pro is a bit more expensive. According to their faq below is the reason.

Why is CodeShip Pro more expensive than Codeship Basic?

"CodeShip Pro spawns single-tenant AWS instances for you whenever you push a build. You are not sharing your instance’s CPU, Memory, etc. with anyone else."

The flow

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  1. Developers checks in the code to a Github repo.
  2. This triggers a build in Codeship. Codeship uses the Dockerfile checked in and tries to build a Docker image.
  3. The resulting image is tagged by Codeship with the Github Commit Id and pushed to the Azure Container Registry (ACR). (Yeah, just mixing it up with Azure for fun.)
  4. Deployment
    1. Codeship now issues a kubectl command to Oracle Kubernetes Engine (OKE) Master API service. This will be to deploy the Microservice and the load balancer in front of it.
    2. The Docker image that we build and pushed earlier to ACR will be the image in this deployment.

Prerequisites for achieving this

  1. Github Account
  2. Codeship Pro Account (There is a free tier which is what I am using).
  3. Azure Account and Azure Container Registry (You can replace this with Oracle Container Registry).
  4. Oracle Cloud account and a running instance of Oracle Kubernetes Engine. (I used a free 30 day Oracle Cloud Trial Account).

Codeship Structure and my Setup

In Codeship everything revolves around two configuration files. codeship-service & codeship-steps files

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  • Correlation I build in my head about Codeship Services & Steps.


Codeship Services provide the functionality to accomplish the CI CD pipeline’s steps (or tasks). Services provide these functionalities by using Dockers. Services at the end, are just a Docker.

  1. Used for Build and Push Microservice
    Two services are used to accomplish a Build & Push to registry functionality. That is two corresponding dockers are required. These two Services are actually mapped to a codeship step (or task) with an attribute called type(=Push). Below is Codeship documentation for that step which provides the Build and Push functionality.

  2. Utility Service
    These Services (Dockers) maybe prebuilt by Codeship (or us) and pulled from a registry like Docker Hub at the time of CICD execution.
    codeship/azure-dockercfg-generator is an example of Codeship pre-built Dockers.
    You can see more of Codeship prebuilt Dockers here. Interesting to see that the AWS Docker has been downloaded 500k+ times while the Azure one has only been downloaded 10K+ times.

  3. Custom Service
    A Service can also custom build a Docker at runtime. We provide the Codeship Service a Dockerfile. This is what I did with appkubectl Service. Custom build one with Oracle CLI (OCI) and kubectl packaged within it.
    This is how my code-service file looks like

    dockerfile_path: Dockerfileweb
  image: codeship/azure-dockercfg-generator
  add_docker: true
  encrypted_env_file: az_config_encrypted
    dockerfile_path: Dockerfile
    encrypted_args_file: config_encrypted
    #encrypted_env_file: config_encrypted
      CommitID: "{{.CommitID }}"

Steps (Or Tasks)

codeship-steps.yml file is where you specify the steps. Think of this as the task. Each step uses one of the Services. Usually, it is a 1: Many relationships between Service & Tasks. But some steps like the Building and Pushing Dockers to the repository has 2 Services mapped to it.

Example Steps (or tasks) can look like below. This we define and build the functionality as per our requirements.

  1. Build Microservice & Push to Container Registry
  2. Integration Test
  3. Deploy to Oracle Kubernetes Engine

To accomplish these tasks, we use our custom Services (or Dockers) or Codeship provided Services. The below table shows the relationship I used in my Build pipeline.

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# codeship-steps.yml
- name: Build and push to Azure Docker Registry
  service: app
  type: push
  tag: master
  image_tag: "{{ .CommitID }}"
  dockercfg_service: azure_dockercfg
- name: Check response to kubectl config
  command: kubectl get nodes
  service: appkubectl
- name: Check OCI Version
  command: oci -v
  service: appkubectl
- name: Deploy to Oracle Kubernetes Engine
  command: kubectl apply -f /config/.kube/insurance.yaml
  service: appkubectl
- name: Print out the environment varibales
  service: appkubectl
  command: printenv

The above one is my codeship-steps.yml file

Desktop utility

There is a nice command-line utility that Codeship ships called Jet. (Ship & Jet Hmm..) You can use it for

  1. Encrypting/Decrypting your configuration files/variables. These may db passwords or Container Registry credentials.
  2. Local Testing of your Codeship Steps (tasks) before pushing to Github.
  3. Validation. (Didn’t use this much.).

Ok, let's look at the pipeline in action.


  1. When I check in the code in Github, I expect a CommitId being provided by GitHub.

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As you can see from above the Commit Id starts with characters => aa02a67

  1. Now we expect this to have triggered a build in codeship engine.

  2. Codeship will build and push a new Docker image to Azure Container Registry. This image will be tagged with the new GitHub Commit Id. The below screenshot confirms that the tagging has happened.
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  3. Next, we expect Codeship to issue a Kubectl command. Against the below yaml file. It contains a Kubernetes Deployment and related Service object.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: insurance-api
  namespace: nm
  replicas: 1
      app:  insurance-api
      version: old
        app:  insurance-api
        version: old
      - name: insurance-api
            memory: "32Mi"
            cpu: "25m"
            memory: "64Mi"
            cpu: "100m"
        - containerPort: 80
            path: health
            port: 80
            - name: X-Custom-Header
              value: Awesome
          initialDelaySeconds: 90
          periodSeconds: 10
        - name: "DeviceName" 
          value: "aStrangeDevice"        
      - name: topsecretregistryconnection
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: insurance-api-service
  namespace: nm
  type: ClusterIP
  - name: http
    protocol: TCP
    port: 80      
    app:  insurance-api 

There are two things I want to bring to your attention about the above yaml file.

  1. The imagepullsecret. This actually has the Docker username and password of the Azure Container Registry. This secret was set up initially at the time of the creation of Oracle Kubernetes Engine Cluster. The below command was used.
kubectl create secret docker
-registry topsecretregistryconnection 
connection --docker-server 
--docker-email "###" --docker-username="###" 
--docker-password "##$#####"

For details check Kubernetes documentation

  1. The image tag has a placeholder ##tag##. This placeholder will dynamically change in the Dockerfile.
cp insurance.yaml $HOME/.kube/insurance.yaml &&  
sed -i 's/##tag##/'$CommitID'/1' $HOME/.kube/insurance.yaml && 
cat $HOME/.kube/insurance.yaml && \

Once Codeship runs the kubectl apply command against the above yaml file we would expect this image to be deployed in the Kubernetes cluster within OKE. Let's check and find out.

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As you can see from the above screenshot the image with the right tag has been picked up and deployed to OKE.

Codeship Dashboard

The codeship dashboard is minimal but has enough to help you in debugging.
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And one last thing, be careful of Codeship build arguments and environment variables. I wish Codeship was a little more consistent in their naming. For instance, at places they got CI_Commit_ID and for build arguments, they got CommitID (no underscore). It would have been nice if it all were consistent.

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