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Naseem Mohammed
Naseem Mohammed

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IBM App Connect Professional CI/CD

IBM App Connect Professional is an iPaas. What is an iPaas?

Quoting from Mulesoft (a competitor of IBM App Connect Professional) *"In simplest terms, iPaaS is a platform for building and deploying integrations within the cloud and between the cloud and the enterprise. With iPaaS, users can develop integration flows that connect applications residing in the cloud or on-premises and then deploy them without installing or managing any hardware or middleware."

IBM App Connect Professional can be installed in multiple ways. IBM provides a Docker Image also. That lets us deploy the App Connect to the Kubernetes platform.

The goal of this article is to document the steps to build a CI/CD pipeline for IBM App Connect Professional. I am using the below tools to realize this. Also, the IBM App Connect Professional version I am using is 7.5.3.

  1. Github for source code.
  2. Codeship for CICD
  3. Datadog for monitoring
  4. Locust for Load testing.
  5. Oracle Kubernetes Engine for hosting the Docker containers.

Here is the Deployment Architecture

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IBM provides the App Connect Professional software (, which has the requisite software and Dockerfile for customizing.

System requirements

You can run the App Connect Professional Docker container in the following configurations:

  1. Two CPUs with 4 GB RAM and a 100GB disk
  2. Four CPUs with 8 or 16 GB RAM and a 100GB disk
  3. Eight CPUs with 16, 24, or 32 GB RAM and a 100GB disk For production purposes, it’s recommended that you use four or more CPUs.

Below is the customized Dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:16.04

ARG ibm_file

ENV IRONHIDE_SOURCE /var/tmp/ironhide-setup

RUN echo "bing" && echo $ibm_file &&  apt-get update && apt-get install -y  openssh-server supervisor cron syslog-ng-core logrotate libapr1 libaprutil1 liblog4cxx10v5 libxml2 psmisc xsltproc ntp vim net-tools iputils-ping curl 

RUN curl -LO  $ibm_file --output ironhide-setup.tar.gz && tar -xzvf ironhide-setup.tar.gz

RUN ls -l &&  cd ironhide-setup &&  ls -l && cat supervisord.conf && cp supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf  &&  sed -i -E 's/^(\s*)system\(\);/\1unix-stream("\/dev\/log");/' /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf 

RUN sed -i 's/^su root syslog/su root adm/' /etc/logrotate.conf

RUN mkdir -p /var/log/supervisor & mkdir -p /opt/ibm/

#Directory to hold the artifacts which need to be loaded during docker launch/start
RUN mkdir -p /var/tmp/LoadArtifacts/projects & mkdir -p /var/tmp/LoadArtifacts/ThirdPartylibs & mkdir -p /var/tmp/LoadArtifacts/SecureConnectorConfig
RUN mkdir -p /var/tmp/LoadArtifacts/UsersAndGroups & mkdir -p /var/tmp/LoadArtifacts/CertificatesAndKeys

RUN cp /ironhide-setup/etc/cron.d/* /etc/cron.d/

#copy the configuration files inside docker container
COPY /projects /var/tmp/LoadArtifacts/projects
#RUN cd \ && ls -l && pwd
#RUN cp -R /UsersAndGroups /var/tmp/LoadArtifacts/UsersAndGroups
#COPY /CertificatesAndKeys /var/tmp/LoadArtifacts/CertificatesAndKeys
#COPY /ThirdPartylibs /var/tmp/LoadArtifacts/ThirdPartylibs
#COPY /SecureConnectorConfig /var/tmp/LoadArtifacts/SecureConnectorConfig

RUN cp ironhide-setup/etc/logrotate.d/* /etc/logrotate.d/

RUN chmod 644 /etc/cron.d/*

RUN chmod -R 777 /var/tmp/ironhide-setup

ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/java/default


ENV IRONHIDE_ROOT /usr/ironhide

ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/ironhide/lib

ENV IH_ROOT /usr/ironhide

ENV IRONHIDE_BACKUP_PATH /var/tmp/ironhide-backup


ENV interface1=""

ENV interface2=""

RUN cp  ironhide-setup/scripts/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

RUN echo 'PS1="[AppConnect-Container@\h \w]: "' >> ~/.bashrc

CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]

Below is my codeship service file.

    dockerfile_path: Dockerfile
    encrypted_args_file: config_encrypted
  image: codeship/myservice-dockercfg-generator
    dockerfile_path: DockerfileOciKube
    encrypted_args_file: config_encrypted
      CommitID: "{{.CommitID }}"

And below is my Codeship steps file

# codeship-steps.yml
- name: Build and push to Oracle Docker Registry
  service: app
  tag: master
  image_tag: "{{ .CommitID }}"
  encrypted_dockercfg_path: dockercfg.encrypted
  type: push
- name: Check response to kubectl get nodes
  command: kubectl get nodes
  service: appkubectl
- name: Check OCI Version
  command: oci -v
  service: appkubectl  
- name: Deploy the IBM App Connect Image with flows and configs
  command: kubectl apply -f /config/.kube/ibmappconnect.yaml
  service: appkubectl
- name: Print out the environment varibales
  service: appkubectl
  command: printenv

I check in the par file to git.

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This will trigger a build in Codeship.

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Codeship packages the par files on top IBM App Connect Professional base image and deploys to Oracle Kubernetes Engine.

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We can use Datadog to monitor the cluster and running pods (IBM App Connect Professional container).

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We can also use IBM App Connect Professional WMC and confirm everything as expected.

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We can run some load test and ensure the system performance will be acceptable to our end customers.

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Top comments (2)

sbhandi profile image

Hi Naseem,

Installed IBM App Connect 7.5.4 in Ubuntu 16.04 using Docker now Ubuntu 16.04 is expiring so we need to install IBM App Connect 7.5.4 using Docker on Ubuntu 20.04

Question : Is existing Docker script support Ubuntu 20.04?


mnaseem profile image
Naseem Mohammed

Hi Santosh-

I am thinking it will work. Didn't test.