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Is ChatGPT the dawn of a new Google?

ChatGPT, launched by OpenAI on 30 November 2022, is a new buzz in the tech society, even becoming a worrying issue by the world's most powerful search engine, Google. So, is it worth looking at?

In the beta version, it is a natural language processing tool driven by AI tech that generates human-like interactive conversations. Based on the data set it has been trained on, it can generate programs, articles, emails, and much more.

While being compared with google, the problem arises at the very stage of accessing it. As a user, I had to google ChatGPT itself through you sign in, you can quickly start chatting away with ChatGPT. This stands as the first flag. With such an upcoming technology competing head-on with the very search engine of the era, does it stand a chance? Leaving the competition aside, I went ahead to ask a few questions. This was a fundamental trial of the technology.

ChatGpt answer to how to centre a div

answer to write a 4 line poem on google

While these answers were impressive and concise, I was not informed about the source of these answers. With no references, I could not know the content's plausibility. Moreover, as a learner, the knowledge was limited to the solutions provided. ChatGPT benefits corporate workers who want more efficiency but do not need bare references or users who wish to have a quick document ready in just a few clicks. It acts as a suitable medium for users who want to have a headstart idea for any piece of text that they wish to begin with. And just to humor them, it works brilliantly for people working at the last moment. A boon for procrastinators!

But coins have sides. One of the problems with ChatGPT is that it does not provide any way to open up links such as YouTube or Spotify but simply redirects to Google, which isn't a very noble choice, with Google being the very competition. Furthermore, it doesn't provide references or related search options for the answers it can't answer directly.

ChatGPTs answers can be manipulated easily as it’s an AI trained on a particular data set which certainly depends on the organizations providing the data. Moreover, specific solutions need specific questions. You can't put a single keyword and expect the AI to guess what you want. As an engineering student, I often use converters and online calculators that are unfortunately not a service provided by ChatGPT; instead, it gives you a long list of steps to calculate it on your own. If you want to get the latest news, weather conditions, etc., you can't because it needs to be updated frequently. Information subject to change often is one of ChatGPT’s Achilles heels. These shortcomings of this language model just add to a long list.

In conclusion, it is not fair to compare Google to ChatGPT. ChatGPT is just a language model, while Google has an entirely different working model as it provides links to various info sources sorted according to most visited and relevant. It includes information regarding an academic question and the ability to access services like Amazon, local organizations' websites, calculators, regularly updated news websites, and even this blog. For an upcoming language model, ChatGPT provides unique answers to queries like poems on avid topics, screenplays, quick emails for cooperative works, and quick responses to simple questions. It proves to be a solid competition to Google in that particular domain.

According to some sources, Open AI is also working on web-based AI; the combination of both ChatGPT and WebGPT can potentially replace already established search engines, including Google. Google might also introduce its own version of ChatGPT, which will not harm the current business model, by clicking advertisements on the websites hosted on google. In the end, whether it be Google or OpenAI, the revolution in the tech industry dominated by AI is inevitable and unarguably now the near future.

Top comments (2)

abhinav0334 profile image
Abhinav Srivastava

The AI that is in buzz. #chatGPT

aryan401 profile image
Aryan Garg

Great Read!