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Mike Young
Mike Young

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State-Space Models Adapt by Gradient Descent, Learning in Context

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called State-Space Models Adapt by Gradient Descent, Learning in Context. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should join or follow me on Twitter.


  • State-space models (SSMs) can learn in-context by gradient descent
  • SSMs are a class of machine learning models that represent dynamical systems
  • The paper shows how SSMs can adapt and learn during inference using gradient-based methods

Plain English Explanation

State-space models (SSMs) are a type of machine learning model that can represent dynamic systems, like the behavior of physical objects or complex processes over time. Typically, SSMs are trained on a fixed dataset and then used to make predictions.

However, this paper demonstrates that SSMs can actually learn and adapt during the inference process, by using gradient descent. This means the model can continuously update its internal parameters and learn from the specific context it's being applied to, rather than just relying on its initial training.

The key insight is that the hidden state of an SSM can be seen as a learned representation that encodes relevant information about the current context. By backpropagating gradients through this hidden state, the model can refine its parameters and learn on-the-fly, similar to how a human might adapt their mental model based on new experiences.

This ability to "learn in-context" could make SSMs more flexible and powerful for real-world applications where the data distribution may shift or the context is constantly changing. It also suggests that the brain's use of state-space representations may allow for similarly adaptive and contextual learning.

Technical Explanation

The paper shows how state-space models (SSMs) can be trained to learn and adapt during the inference process using gradient-based optimization. Typical SSMs are trained on a fixed dataset and then used to make predictions, but this work demonstrates they can continuously update their internal parameters based on the specific context they are applied to.

The key insight is that the hidden state of an SSM can be viewed as a learned representation that encodes relevant information about the current context. By backpropagating gradients through this hidden state, the model can refine its parameters and learn on-the-fly, similar to how a human might adapt their mental model based on new experiences.

Experiments on various dynamical system benchmarks show that SSMs trained this way can outperform standard SSMs and other baselines at tasks that require adapting to changing contexts. The authors also provide theoretical analysis to show how this in-context learning emerges naturally from the structure of SSMs.

This ability for SSMs to learn in-context could make them more flexible and powerful for real-world applications where the data distribution may shift or the context is constantly changing. It also suggests that the brain's use of state-space representations may allow for similarly adaptive and contextual learning.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling demonstration of how state-space models can learn and adapt during inference using gradient descent. This is an interesting and practically relevant finding, as the ability to continuously learn from context could make SSMs more useful for real-world applications.

That said, the authors acknowledge several caveats and limitations to their approach. For example, the in-context learning may be sensitive to hyperparameters and architectural choices, and the theoretical analysis makes simplifying assumptions.

Additionally, the experiments are primarily focused on relatively simple dynamical system benchmarks. Further research would be needed to assess how well this approach scales to more complex, high-dimensional real-world tasks where the benefits of adaptive learning may be even more impactful.

It would also be valuable to explore how this in-context learning capability compares to other gradient-based meta-learning or few-shot learning techniques. Understanding the relative strengths and tradeoffs could help guide when and how to apply SSMs in practice.

Overall, this work represents an interesting step forward in making state-space models more flexible and contextually adaptive. However, as with any research, there are opportunities for further exploration and validation to fully understand the implications and limitations of this approach.


This paper demonstrates that state-space models (SSMs) can learn and adapt during the inference process using gradient descent. By treating the hidden state of an SSM as a learned representation that encodes relevant contextual information, the model can continuously refine its parameters based on the specific situation it's applied to.

This capability for in-context learning could make SSMs more flexible and powerful for real-world applications where the data distribution or context is constantly shifting. It also suggests parallels to how the brain may use state-space representations to enable adaptive and contextual learning.

While the paper presents promising results on dynamical system benchmarks, further research is needed to fully understand the implications and limitations of this approach. Exploring how it compares to other gradient-based meta-learning techniques, and assessing performance on more complex real-world tasks, will be important next steps.

Overall, this work represents an interesting advancement in making state-space models more adaptable and contextually aware, with potential impacts on both machine learning and our understanding of biological intelligence.

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