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Mike Young
Mike Young

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Cutting through buggy adversarial example defenses: fixing 1 line of code breaks Sabre

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called Cutting through buggy adversarial example defenses: fixing 1 line of code breaks Sabre. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.


  • The paper reveals significant flaws in the evaluation of the Sabre defense against adversarial examples, which was accepted at IEEE S&P 2024.
  • The authors find clear signs of gradient masking in the original evaluation, which they trace back to a bug in the evaluation code.
  • By fixing a single line of code, the authors are able to reduce Sabre's robust accuracy to 0%.
  • In response, the authors modify the defense and introduce a new component, but this fix also contains a bug that reduces robust accuracy below baseline levels.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers examined a defense mechanism called Sabre, which was designed to protect machine learning models from adversarial examples. Adversarial examples are small, carefully crafted perturbations to an input that can fool a model into making incorrect predictions.

The researchers found significant problems with how the Sabre defense was evaluated in the original paper. They discovered that the evaluation was flawed, exhibiting a phenomenon called gradient masking. Gradient masking occurs when a defense mechanism inadvertently hides important information that attackers need to find effective adversarial examples.

The researchers traced the gradient masking to a bug in the original evaluation code. By fixing just a single line of code, they were able to reduce Sabre's robust accuracy (its ability to withstand adversarial attacks) to 0%. This means the defense was not nearly as effective as the original paper claimed.

In response to this finding, the Sabre authors modified their defense and added a new component. However, the researchers found that this modified defense also contained a bug. By fixing one more line of code, they were able to reduce the robust accuracy of the updated Sabre defense to even lower than the baseline level (the performance without any defense).

Technical Explanation

The researchers conducted a thorough evaluation of the Sabre defense using a variety of attack methods. They found that the original evaluation suffered from gradient masking, a phenomenon where the defense mechanism inadvertently hides important information that attackers need to find effective adversarial examples.

By investigating the evaluation code, the researchers discovered a bug that was causing the gradient masking. They were able to fix this bug by modifying a single line of code, which then reduced Sabre's robust accuracy to 0%.

In response, the Sabre authors modified their defense and introduced a new component that was not described in the original paper. However, the researchers found that this modified defense also contained a bug. By fixing one more line of code, they were able to reduce the robust accuracy of the updated Sabre defense to below baseline levels.

Critical Analysis

The researchers' findings raise significant concerns about the validity of the original Sabre paper. The discovery of bugs in both the evaluation and the modified defense suggests that the Sabre authors may have overlooked important details in their work.

While the researchers were able to identify and fix the bugs, it is concerning that such fundamental issues were present in a defense mechanism that was accepted at a prestigious conference like IEEE S&P. This raises questions about the rigor of the review process and the ability of the research community to thoroughly vet defensive techniques against adversarial attacks.

The researchers' work also highlights the importance of robust evaluation and the need for researchers to carefully examine their own work and the work of others. The discovery of these bugs suggests that the field of adversarial machine learning may still have significant room for improvement.


The researchers' analysis of the Sabre defense reveals serious flaws in the original evaluation and the modified defense. Their findings suggest that the Sabre defense may not be as effective as the original paper claimed and that the research community needs to be more diligent in vetting defensive techniques against adversarial attacks. This work highlights the importance of robust evaluation and the need for researchers to carefully examine their own work and the work of others in this rapidly evolving field.

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