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Discussion on: Simplify condition rendering in React.js

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ • Edited

Nice, I do something similar - it's also cool to add then and else as props. I also do this with switch:

import React, { useContext, useState } from "react"

const SwitchContext = React.createContext()

function ensureArray(ar) {
    return Array.isArray(ar) ? ar:[ar].filter((f) => f!==undefined)

function noop() {}

export function Switch({ value, children }) {
    const [switchContext] = useState({ cases: {} })
    switchContext.value = value
    return <SwitchContext.Provider value={switchContext}>{children}</SwitchContext.Provider>

export function Case({ when, children, execute = noop }) {
    const toCheck = ensureArray(when)
    const { value, cases } = useContext(SwitchContext)
    let condition = toCheck.some((when) => {
        if (typeof when === "function") {
            return when(value)
        } else {
            return when === value

    cases["" + when] = condition
    if (condition) {
        return <>{children}</>
    } else {
        return null

export function CaseElse({ children }) {
    const { cases } = useContext(SwitchContext)
    if (!Object.values(cases).some((v) => !!v)) {
        return <>{children}</>
    return null

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I use it like this:

 <Switch value={column.type}>
            <Case when="action">
                <TableCell className={classes.tight} onClick={prevent(noop)}>
                    <LoadedAction column={column} item={item} />
            <Case when={["more", "than", "one", "reason", ()=> === "including this!"]}>
                   {/* Some other cell */}
            {/* Other cases */}
                <TableCell className={classes.tight}>
                    <LoadedColumn column={column} item={item} />
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rmurati profile image
Redžep Murati

Oh wow this looks interesting. Thank you for sharing :)

lonlilokli profile image

Nice, but you are missing Default case when no other matches

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ • Edited

Nope, I just called it CaseElse (my project has a ton of things called DefaultXYZ so it doesn't scan well).

lonlilokli profile image

I've tried it, it's pretty neat but do you know how to limit type with React context? Ie to make Typescript do not complain about missing props

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

I tried the link but didn't see any lint issues etc, what is it complaining about?