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Mark Vassilevskiy
Mark Vassilevskiy

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Why You Should Start Learning Programming In 2023

Our world is constantly reshaping. New directions and opportunities are constantly appearing in every sphere. and programming is used in almost all of them. It doesn’t matter if you love to work with AI algorithms or blockchain technology or just want to start your own business. In any case, you’ll need a website, some sort of database, or something else.

Right now, programming is like writing several decades ago. In the last century, people needed to write because it was necessary. Without writing, you couldn’t do almost anything. Nowadays, it’s the same situation with programming.
You literally can’t do anything without knowing at least the basics of programming. It doesn’t matter which one you choose; just understanding the principles of programming will be enough. and I’ll explain why!

With Programming, You Can Build Anything

Without programming, you can’t do anything. You can’t build a website, you can’t create an application, you can’t integrate some useful APIs, and you can’t use web scripting. These are only a few things that you’re not able to do without knowing how to program.

Imagine you have a genius startup idea and want to build it immediately. You can hire someone who will do everything for you, but we’ll talk about it later. First of all, you obviously need to understand the working principle behind the application itself. You can’t pay someone to come up with a billion-dollar idea and build everything for you.

I can give you several examples. I wanted to build an NFT Collection and upload it to Opensea. After drawing each element, I needed to write code to combine several parts together and get a final output. I’ve written combining and generating algorithms in JavaScript, but you can find many of them on GitHub. However, you won’t understand how to do it without knowing how it works.

So you need to know programming to start building something. Even if you just want to open a new business, you’ll definitely need some basic knowledge of programming to really grow!

You Don’t Need to be a Pro

I’m not saying to you that you have to pass the whole computer science class and become a programming genius. You definitely shouldn’t if you want to learn programming as an additional skill. Knowing the basics of some programming languages and understanding how computers work will help you throughout your life and career.

Or if you are really passionate about it and want to be, for example, a blockchain developer, then you have to know a little bit more than others. In that way, you should have a plan or a roadmap. For example, learn JavaScript, learn React, and learn Solidity, and then combine them all together. You’ll get integration of smart contracts in your browser and will be able to mint an NFT collection on your own website.

It was just one of the many examples. Anyway, if you want to learn to program, you need to understand why. As we talked about, you don’t need to be a pro; just knowing the basics and starting to build something is enough.

What If You Are an Entrepreneur

If you want to start your own startup or business, you still need some knowledge of programming. Of course, you can hire someone who will do everything for you. However, you need to understand the qualifications of this developer. It can be some junior Python developer who doesn’t have any work experience and tells you that he’s a professional.

Knowing programming will just save you a ton of time and money. If you don’t want to rehire a developer in the same position, you need to understand the skills needed for this specific task.

As we talked about previously, you also need to come up with the idea behind your project. especially if it aims to solve some problems in the IT sphere. Nobody will share their ideas with you and make you richer. Life is a game, and each of us has our own path.

You Can Look at Current Trends

Just go to a Google page and see what is trending right now. All these new spheres, such as machine learning, Web 3.0, the IoT, and big data, are IT-related and highly innovative. All of them will completely change our world, and you won’t even notice it.

To start doing something in one of these spheres, you still need to have some programming skills. And even if you think that crypto is some sort of bubble that no one will remember, you’re definitely wrong. If you want to know why you can check out one of my previous articles. I explained it in the best way possible and included each of the directions.


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