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Finding Your Career Path

How To Find Your Career Path

In a digital landscape which is continually evolving, its important that each and every one of us look to forge a career path which we truly enjoy. Having a passion for what you do on a day-to-day basis helps individuals to find purpose and meaningful intention in their work; both of which contribute to personal wellbeing.

Many of us are looking to shift careers. Whether that is a move to a new role, company or industry – perhaps even taking the leap into the world of entrepreneurship. In fact, research the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that individuals who are in professional responsibilities spend a medium of 5.5 years in each role.

With so many of us making significant transitions on our career path, on a relatively regular basis, here are some top tips for making the switch.

Developing Your Skills

In today’s world, there is a growing conversation around the importance of developing industry related skills. Particularly skills related to technology, as it becomes integrates into personal and professional increasingly. Therefore, when making the switch, be sure to investigate the skills your desired field requires. Perhaps this will involve taking relevant courses or accreditations which enhance your industry-focused knowledge. Having a niche and in-depth understanding for your new role or industry stands you in great stead to make a switch more easily.

Opening The Door To Coaching

It can be a daunting prospect; having the courage to make a major shift in career. Perhaps you are lacking confidence, wanting to set SMART goals or looking for expert guidance. One way to achieve such is reaching out to a career coach, which will allow you to have an in-depth one-to-one session with a mentor. The sessions can help you to find clarity in your ambition, with career coaching helping to build confidence and implement goals. It’s important to note that life coaches can have a similar positive impact, with both types having the potential incredibly worthwhile investment into your career planning.

Whether it be through learning new industry skills or having a coach to support career change – both can support your journey to finding the career path which fuels your passion.

Top comments (1)

weltam profile image
Welly Tambunan

yes, coaching, mentoring and sponsoring is what we need to provide as seniors in industry. i almost can't make it if i don't have people from community support my growth