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How to set a static redirection for a GET request in Nestjs?

Originally posted here!

To set a static redirection for a GET request in Nestjs, we can use the @Redirect() decorator function from the @nestjs/common module and call it just above the Controller class's method that handles that GET request.


// import `@Redirect()` decorator function from the `@nestjs/common` module
import { Controller, Get, Redirect } from "@nestjs/common";

// the @Controller() decorator function will instruct Nestjs
// to add a route of `/greet`
export class GreetController {
  // 1. the @Get() decorator function will instruct Nestjs
  // that this is the default method that should be
  // invoked when the user requests a `GET` to `/greet` endpoint
  // 2. Using the @Redirect() decorator function to have static redirection
  // and passing the redirect url as the first argument and
  // the redirection status code as the second argument
  @Redirect("", 301)
  sayHello() {
    return `Hello World`;
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For example, let's say we have a GET request API endpoint called /greet and on request, it gives us the response of Hello World.

The code for the API endpoint will look like this,

import { Controller, Get } from "@nestjs/common";

// the @Controller() decorator function will instruct Nestjs
// to add a route of `/greet`
export class GreetController {
  // the @Get() decorator function will instruct Nestjs
  // that this is the default method that should be
  // invoked when the user requests a `GET` to `/greet` endpoint
  sayHello() {
    return `Hello World`;
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Now, what if we need to statically redirect the GET requests to another URL? Let's say it to be

To do that we can use the @Redirect() decorator function from the @nestjs/common module and call it just above the Controller class method that handles the GET request. In our case, it is the sayHello() method.

The Redirect() decorator function also accepts 2 arguments both of them being optional:

  • the first argument is the URL we need it to redirect to. In our case, it is the URL.
  • and the second argument is the redirection status code. In our case, it is 301 as the status code. Read more on redirection status codes.

It can be done like this,

// import `@Redirect()` decorator function from the `@nestjs/common` module
import { Controller, Get, Redirect } from "@nestjs/common";

// the @Controller() decorator function will instruct Nestjs
// to add a route of `/greet`
export class GreetController {
  // 1. the @Get() decorator function will instruct Nestjs
  // that this is the default method that should be
  // invoked when the user requests a `GET` to `/greet` endpoint
  // 2. Using the @Redirect() decorator function to have static redirection
  // and passing the redirect url as the first argument and
  // the redirection status code as the second argument
  @Redirect("", 301)
  sayHello() {
    return `Hello World`;
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We have successfully set a static redirection for a GET request in Nestjs. Yay 🥳!

See the above code live in codesandbox.

You can also go to the URL and see it getting redirected to the Google homepage.

That's all 😃.

Feel free to share if you found this helpful 😃.

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