DEV Community

MELVIN GEORGE profile picture


Hi, I'm Melvin George, A web developer, and a blogger.


Jain University, Bangalore


Full Stack Engineer @ Harman International

Six Year Club
Writing Debut
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
16 Week Writing Streak
8 Week Writing Streak
4 Week Writing Streak
Hacktoberfest 2020
Codeland:Distributed 2020
Two Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2019
Use margin-inline-start CSS property instead of margin-left for better internationalization

Use margin-inline-start CSS property instead of margin-left for better internationalization

3 min read

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Use margin-inline-end CSS property instead of margin-right for better internationalization support

Use margin-inline-end CSS property instead of margin-right for better internationalization support

4 min read
How to make HTML elements in horizontal order that is responsive to the screens using CSS?

How to make HTML elements in horizontal order that is responsive to the screens using CSS?

3 min read
How to make font size grow according to the size of the screen using CSS?

How to make font size grow according to the size of the screen using CSS?

4 min read
How to limit the number of characters on a single line in a webpage using CSS?

How to limit the number of characters on a single line in a webpage using CSS?

4 min read
How to load custom fonts into a webpage using CSS?

How to load custom fonts into a webpage using CSS?

3 min read
How to load a font from a url as soon as possible or preload a font in HTML?

How to load a font from a url as soon as possible or preload a font in HTML?

3 min read
How to use preloaded fonts in HTML?

How to use preloaded fonts in HTML?

3 min read
How to set the aspect ratio for images using CSS?

How to set the aspect ratio for images using CSS?

7 min read
How to fetch an image on priority using HTML?

How to fetch an image on priority using HTML?

4 min read
How to parallelly process or decode the image to improve webpage performance?

How to parallelly process or decode the image to improve webpage performance?

3 min read
How to load images of different sizes on different screen widths using HTML?

How to load images of different sizes on different screen widths using HTML?

4 min read
What is the proper way to load an image that doesn't have alternate text?

What is the proper way to load an image that doesn't have alternate text?

2 min read
How to load different image formats according to browser support using HTML?

How to load different image formats according to browser support using HTML?

3 min read
How to load an SVG file from a remote url in HTML?

How to load an SVG file from a remote url in HTML?

2 min read
How load an SVG file from a remote url as a background image in CSS?

How load an SVG file from a remote url as a background image in CSS?

2 min read
How to hide an HTML element from assistive technologies like screen readers?

How to hide an HTML element from assistive technologies like screen readers?

2 min read
How to set an accessible name to an interactive HTML element?

How to set an accessible name to an interactive HTML element?

1 min read
How to change the color of the browser tab according to the website theme color using HTML?

How to change the color of the browser tab according to the website theme color using HTML?

3 min read
How to change the color of the browser tab according to the website theme color using the manifest.json file?

How to change the color of the browser tab according to the website theme color using the manifest.json file?

1 min read
How to automatically apply dark mode CSS styles to the website when the user's system theme is changed to dark mode?

How to automatically apply dark mode CSS styles to the website when the user's system theme is changed to dark mode?

Comments 1
3 min read
How to automatically apply light mode CSS styles to the website when the user's system theme is changed to light mode?

How to automatically apply light mode CSS styles to the website when the user's system theme is changed to light mode?

3 min read
How to change the theme color of the website when the user's system theme is changed to dark mode using HTML?

How to change the theme color of the website when the user's system theme is changed to dark mode using HTML?

3 min read
How to change the theme color of the website when the user's system theme is changed to light mode using HTML?

How to change the theme color of the website when the user's system theme is changed to light mode using HTML?

3 min read
How to change or swap an image to a dark-themed image when the user's system theme is changed to dark mode using HTML?

How to change or swap an image to a dark-themed image when the user's system theme is changed to dark mode using HTML?

4 min read
How to change or swap an image to a light-themed image when the user's system theme is changed to light mode using HTML?

How to change or swap an image to a light-themed image when the user's system theme is changed to light mode using HTML?

4 min read
How to change the color or the accent color of the interactive HTML elements on a webpage using CSS?

How to change the color or the accent color of the interactive HTML elements on a webpage using CSS?

2 min read
How to change the color or the accent color of the checkbox input HTML element on a webpage using CSS?

How to change the color or the accent color of the checkbox input HTML element on a webpage using CSS?

2 min read
How to change the color or the accent color of the radio input HTML element on a webpage using CSS?

How to change the color or the accent color of the radio input HTML element on a webpage using CSS?

2 min read
How to add or change the outline color of the HTML elements when focused using the tab key in CSS?

How to add or change the outline color of the HTML elements when focused using the tab key in CSS?

3 min read
How to activate or focus an input HTML element when clicking on its label or name using HTML?

How to activate or focus an input HTML element when clicking on its label or name using HTML?

2 min read
How to check if a user's device has a touchscreen using only CSS?

How to check if a user's device has a touchscreen using only CSS?

2 min read
How to set styles to a webpage if a user's device has a mouse connected using only CSS?

How to set styles to a webpage if a user's device has a mouse connected using only CSS?

2 min read
How to set styles to a webpage if a user's device has only a keyboard connected to it using CSS?

How to set styles to a webpage if a user's device has only a keyboard connected to it using CSS?

2 min read
How to set styles to a webpage if the user's device input can hover over HTML elements using CSS?

How to set styles to a webpage if the user's device input can hover over HTML elements using CSS?

2 min read
How to show an email-friendly virtual keyboard when clicking on an input HTML element on mobile devices?

How to show an email-friendly virtual keyboard when clicking on an input HTML element on mobile devices?

2 min read
How to show a number-friendly virtual keyboard when clicking on an input HTML element on mobile devices?

How to show a number-friendly virtual keyboard when clicking on an input HTML element on mobile devices?

2 min read
How to keep the webpage CSS styles only up to certain device width or maximum width?

How to keep the webpage CSS styles only up to certain device width or maximum width?

2 min read
How to change the webpage CSS styles when the device width is above certain width and below certain width?

How to change the webpage CSS styles when the device width is above certain width and below certain width?

3 min read
How to change the CSS styles when the window or device width reaches a certain width?

How to change the CSS styles when the window or device width reaches a certain width?

2 min read
How to change the webpage CSS styles when the user changes the device orientation to landscape?

How to change the webpage CSS styles when the user changes the device orientation to landscape?

2 min read
How to loop through a slice or an array in Go or Golang?

How to loop through a slice or an array in Go or Golang?

2 min read
How to change the webpage CSS styles when the user prints the webpage?

How to change the webpage CSS styles when the user prints the webpage?

2 min read
How to add or push new elements to a slice or an array in Go or Golang?

How to add or push new elements to a slice or an array in Go or Golang?

Comments 2
2 min read
How to create a nested array or slice of slices in Go or Golang?

How to create a nested array or slice of slices in Go or Golang?

2 min read
How to create a slice with the make() function in Go or Golang?

How to create a slice with the make() function in Go or Golang?

2 min read
What is the empty or zero value for a slice in Go or Golang?

What is the empty or zero value for a slice in Go or Golang?

2 min read
How to get the number of elements in an array or the length of the array in Go or Golang?

How to get the number of elements in an array or the length of the array in Go or Golang?

2 min read
How to get the total number of elements that an array can hold or the capacity of an array in Go or Golang?

How to get the total number of elements that an array can hold or the capacity of an array in Go or Golang?

2 min read
How to create a copy of an array in Go or Golang?

How to create a copy of an array in Go or Golang?

2 min read
How to add values or elements to a specific index in an array in Go or Golang?

How to add values or elements to a specific index in an array in Go or Golang?

2 min read
How to get a part or section of an array in Go or Golang?

How to get a part or section of an array in Go or Golang?

3 min read
How to create a fixed-size array in Go or Golang?

How to create a fixed-size array in Go or Golang?

2 min read
How to create a struct type in Go or Golang?

How to create a struct type in Go or Golang?

2 min read
How to get the memory address of a variable in Go or Golang?

How to get the memory address of a variable in Go or Golang?

2 min read
How to change the value of a variable using a pointer in Go or Golang?

How to change the value of a variable using a pointer in Go or Golang?

2 min read
How to postpone or defer an inner function call until the outer or surrounding function completes its execution in Go or Golang?

How to postpone or defer an inner function call until the outer or surrounding function completes its execution in Go or Golang?

2 min read
How to create a pointer variable in Go or Golang?

How to create a pointer variable in Go or Golang?

3 min read
How write a pattern similar to a while loop in Go or Golang?

How write a pattern similar to a while loop in Go or Golang?

3 min read
How to convert a boolean string type value to a bool type value in Go or Golang?

How to convert a boolean string type value to a bool type value in Go or Golang?

Comments 1
3 min read