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Discussion on: VS Code Shortcuts That I Would Teach Myself if I Had a Time Machine With Limited Fuel

mdhesari profile image
Mohammad Fazel • Edited

So creative and perfect article!

Thank you for sharing it.

What I use every day is opening and closing terminal :

Command/Ctrl + backtick
Command/Ctrl + shift + backtick

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

Command/Ctrl + backtick is toggle Integrated Terminal and Command/Ctrl + shift + backtick creates a new one, right? Thanks for sharing!

mdhesari profile image
Mohammad Fazel


waseidev profile image
Walther Seidel

in spanish keyboards is:
Ctrl + ñ" (open/closes a terminal)
"Ctrl + Shift + ñ" (open an additional terminal)