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Mastering Laravel Naming Conventions: Clean and Maintainable Code

Topics: Laravel, Web Development, PHP Frameworks, Programming Best Practices, Software Engineering

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Laravel Naming Conventions
  2. Models: PascalCase and Singular Names
  3. Controllers: PascalCase with Suffix
  4. Routes: Descriptive Snake_Case Names
  5. Migrations: Snake_Case Table Names
  6. Blade Views: Snake_Case Files
  7. Database Columns: Consistent Snake_Case
  8. Validation Rules: camelCase Methods and Keys
  9. SEO Best Practices for Laravel Projects
  10. Conclusion and Best Practices


Laravel's naming conventions are essential for clean, maintainable, and scalable applications. By adhering to these standards across models, controllers, routes, migrations, views, and database schemas, developers can simplify collaboration and debugging. This guide provides a step-by-step hands-on explanation with examples for mastering these conventions.

1. Models

In Laravel, model names should be singular and in PascalCase. The convention is that the model class name should match the corresponding database table name in snake_case.


// Model: app/Models/BlogPost.php
namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class BlogPost extends Model
    protected $table = 'blog_posts'; // Convention is to use snake_case table names
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  • Model Class: BlogPost (singular, PascalCase).
  • Table Name: blog_posts (plural, snake_case).


  • The class BlogPost follows PascalCase, while the table it represents follows snake_case (blog_posts).
  • By default, Laravel assumes the plural form of the model name as the table name, so BlogPost maps to blog_posts.

2. Controllers

Controller names should be in PascalCase and end with Controller.


// Controller: app/Http/Controllers/BlogPostController.php
namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\BlogPost;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class BlogPostController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $posts = BlogPost::all();
        return view('blog.index', compact('posts'));

    public function show($id)
        $post = BlogPost::findOrFail($id);
        return view('', compact('post'));
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  • The controller is named BlogPostController, which follows the convention of appending Controller to the model name in PascalCase.
  • Methods like index() and show() follow the camelCase convention for method names.

Summary of Naming Conventions in Laravel:

  1. Models: Singular, PascalCase (e.g., BlogPost).
  2. Controllers: PascalCase, ending with Controller (e.g., BlogPostController).
  3. Routes: Descriptive, snake_case (e.g., blog.index,
  4. Migrations: YYYY_MM_DD_HHMMSS_create_table_name.php, snake_case for table names (e.g., blog_posts).
  5. Views: snake_case for file names (e.g., index.blade.php).
  6. Database Columns: snake_case (e.g., author_name, published_at).
  7. Validation Rules: camelCase for method names, snake_case for input keys.


Adopting Laravel's naming conventions ensures consistency, readability, and ease of use in your applications. Whether you're managing models, setting up migrations, or defining routes, following these best practices will streamline development, reduce errors, and foster a collaborative coding environment.

If you'd like to explore best practices more, Click Here.

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Top comments (3)

aryan015 profile image

Routes: Descriptive, snake_case (e.g., blog.index,

something is off. you saying use snake_case and u urself using blog.index

aryan015 profile image

i think you wanted to write blog_index for route naming

aryan015 profile image

Validation Rules: camelCase for method names, snake_case for input keys.

please explain this one ty