DEV Community

Matthias Kluth
Matthias Kluth

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Getting started with React Native #2 - What we will build

While learning new technologies, I like to think about projects I want to create with them.
For my project React Native I've chosen a sort of kanban project board, combined with the pomodoro technique I like alot.
The first draft will be pretty basic and will evolve over time.
For all of you, who don't know the pomodoro technique, I love to explain it a bit.
Each pomodoro defaults to 25 minutes. While the pomodoro runs, you work on a chosen task. After 25 minutes, as the alarm rings, you immediately stop working and do something different, like go drink a cup of coffee, do some push ups or sing your favourite song out loud. You have 5 minutes self-care-time now. After those 5 minutes of freedom, you go on with your task. After the 4th pomodoro you earned something wonderful. Next to being on pace with your tasks, you know have 15 wonderful minutes to do whatever you like to. Probably time for a snack.
What's important while in a pomodoro... Don't let yourself be interrupted. These 25 minutes belong your task alone. I know... While on remote work it could be a bit difficult to work on your task without interruption. Kids, loved ones, weird pets or whatever. As someone interrupts you and the cause is not your home burning or something like that, tell them, they get the next pomodoro and add the talk as a new task to your list.
It's a good way to prioritize your time slots and train your surrounding to wait patiently for your prescious time.
After your great day with a lot of productive work on your projects, you have a great overview about how long your tasks took. Like "creating a blasting navigation bar" took about 4 pomodoros... That's about an hour.
Why 25 minutes? Science my friend! The human brain is not capable of working focused for any longer than that. Here a little wink to all teachers out there. Go and change your courses! 😉
Well okay... Now that was more of a pomodoro post, but I guess it's important to know what's my project is about.
Follow me on my journey.
In my next post, we will setup the initial project structure and maybe some workflows, I find handy.
Do you guys use something like pomodoro or other stores of time management? What about kanban boards? If not... What is your way of structures work on projects?
Let me know!
Have a great one!

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