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Discussion on: Packt Publishing is having a sale!

matbcf profile image

Thanks for the news and I'm curios about the title of the 3 solid Java Books that you have bought.

andevr profile image

Books I wound up buying from @PacktPub during their sale:
-Android programming with kotlin for beginners
-Java Fundamentals

  • The Java Workshop
  • Android studio 3.5 Development essentials

Java fundamentals and The Java Workshop are both beginner java books. The workshop one is supposed to be heavily exercise based, both look really solid. The kotlin one was sort of an accident, there was a java one but I apparently put the wrong one in the cart lol. I'm keeping it though because kotlin is eventually where android is headed and because the book is really new, which makes following along easier. The android version is from 2018 and already outdated as far as android studio is concerned. I plan to do some book write ups eventually.