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Martin Krause
Martin Krause

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Ace the "What's Your Greatest Weaknesses" question in your next interview.

As a job seeker, interviews can be daunting, and one of the most challenging questions to answer is "What's your greatest weakness?" It's a tricky question because you want to present yourself in the best possible light but don't want to come off as too perfect or fake. However, with a bit of preparation and confidence, you can easily tackle this question and impress the interviewer, and in this article, I'll show you how.

First and foremost, it's important to understand why interviewers ask this question. They want to gauge your self-awareness and how you handle challenges. Everyone has weaknesses, and acknowledging them shows that you can reflect on yourself and are willing to work on self-improvement. The key is to present your weakness in a positive light and show how you've taken steps to address it.

Start by choosing a weakness that is not crucial to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a programming job, you wouldn't want to say you struggle with coding. Instead, choose something more general, such as public speaking, time management, or a technical skill you are working to improve.

Once you've identified your weakness, the next step is to show how you are working to overcome it. This can include taking courses, seeking mentorship, or implementing new strategies to improve. By demonstrating that you are proactive in addressing your weaknesses, you show that you are committed to personal growth and development.

Another strategy is to show how your weakness can be a strength in certain situations. For example, if your weakness is public speaking, you can explain that it has forced you to become a better listener and observer, which has helped you connect better with others. This approach shows that you can turn a weakness into a positive attribute.

It's also important to be honest and authentic when answering this question. Don't try to present a weakness that is actually a strength, as this will likely come across as insincere. Instead, choose a genuine weakness and show that you are actively taking steps to improve.

Finally, remember to keep a positive attitude throughout the interview. Please don't dwell on your weakness; instead, focus on how you are addressing it and how it has helped you grow as a professional. By maintaining a positive outlook, you show that you are resilient and can handle challenges.

In summary, the key to answering the "What's your greatest weakness?" question is to choose a weakness that is not critical to the job, show how you are actively working to address it, and present it in a positive light. Demonstrating self-awareness, commitment to personal growth, and a positive attitude will impress the interviewer and stand out as a strong candidate.


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Top comments (1)

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

It's also important to be honest and authentic when answering this question. Don't try to present a weakness that is actually a strength, as this will likely come across as insecure. Instead, choose a genuine weakness and show that you are actively taking steps to improve.

YES! I was always told to present a weakness that was actually a strength, and did not know until a couple of years ago that this was bad practice, great tip.