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Cover image for Preparing a React course in public - Examples Hub
Manuel Artero Anguita 🟨
Manuel Artero Anguita 🟨

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Preparing a React course in public - Examples Hub

Following this idea of «preparing the course in public», I've created a collection at Stackblitz where I'll gather all the examples and exercises I'm preparing for my class.

Screenshot of the collection I've created that will gather all the examples and exercises

At first, I had doubts about whether to use an online development environment or stick to local development.

I decided this way so I can focus on programming itself without the tedious setup and configuration issues.

Besides, these tools have this handy "hot-loading view on the side" that will be pretty useful while teaching.

I considered Codesandbox (and even Replit). But finally I decided to use Stackblitz. Honestly because a friend of mine works there 🤝.

All three options are excellent. Stackblitz works just great, so Stackblitz it is.

Next up: first code exercise I'm preparing.

Cover image created by; prompt: «Renaissance-era professor in a steampunk-style classroom, creating a tiny drone. adorned with intricate, mechanical details.»; 3D Animation-Style.

Thanks for reading 💛.

Top comments (2)

nausaf profile image
nausaf • Edited

The code sandboxes you mentioned look really good. Hot loading is really fast (faster than with Next.js on local machine it seems). UX is great in general.

This is how I would have liked to take my first steps with React tbh. A fully-fledged dev encironment but without the hassle as you say.

How does testing work in them? I don't like blind Jest/Enzyme or even plain RTL tests. Do these sandboxes have functionality to render components under test so you can see what's going on like with Storybook or with Playwright component tests?

manuartero profile image
Manuel Artero Anguita 🟨

I was unable to add testing as you describe too. I'm afraid those sites just don't have such features 🤷

thanks for commenting!! :)