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Is learning about Web3 as a junior web dev a good idea?

Bit of context for the question - I am learning web development with the MERN stack, and building projects to showcase my skills in order to get employed. I see Web3 hype all around, and was wondering whether learning about it and building a project involving it, say, a blogging platform, would be a good use of my time or if I should focus on more "traditional" things instead? Mainly considering it to show I am keeping up with the latest technology, though not sure if there's better ways to do that.


Top comments (4)

webbureaucrat profile image

If you're thinking of going into Web 3 purely for economic reasons--that doesn't seem like a good idea. It's been a bad year for Web 3, and (to me at least) it looks like the best of the money has already been made (and much of it lost).

If you're thinking economically, I would recommend something not necessarily more traditional but let's say less controversial. Staying on the cutting edge of devops, for example, is a good way of proving you're staying up to date, but it doesn't carry stigma with anybody.

But I wouldn't recommend thinking economically, anyway. I would recommend chasing whatever your passion is. The money is going to be there almost no matter what you do, and the easiest way to get hired is to be able to speak passionately about what you love. To take web 3 as an example, if you're into cryptology, web 3 might be an interesting way of pursuing that, and your web 3 skills would transfer to any job in cryptology or low-level security. But if you're not interested in cryptology, learning web 3 is going to be a huge slog and a waste of time if you end up doing something else.

maijs profile image

Thanks for the input! Good point about DevOps, since I only have a vague understanding of what it is. Will have a look.

Regarding "thinking economically" - I'm about 150 rejections into my job search for my first full-time web dev position. If there's any skills or technology that could increase my chances of getting hired and keep my CV away from the McDonald's around the corner, I want to learn them.

nlxdodge profile image

I am a Java Dev-ops Engineer, but our hiring company has zero jobs for Web3. No one in the business (in our area, which is the whole of the Netherlands but mostly only big companies) wants anything to do with this.

I can understand that smaller companies are more easily approachable for this kind of work. I would first go the "traditional" way and learn and earn money. After that you can spend some time learning web3 and checking to see if it has job security.

But maybe I am wrong and there are a lot of companies who actually want this. But I am just a size of 1, so take this with a bag of salt 🎒🧂

maijs profile image

Point taken, thank you! And don't worry, you've already doubled my sample size of outside opinions on this, haha.