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Mahmoud EL-kariouny
Mahmoud EL-kariouny

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Python 🐍 challenge_31βš”οΈ

Simple Encryption - Alternating Split πŸ’₯

  • Implement a pseudo-encryption algorithm which given a string S and an integer N
  • Concatenates all the odd-indexed characters of S with all the even-indexed characters of S.
  • This process should be repeated N times.


encrypt("012345", 1)  =>  "135024" 
encrypt("012345", 2)  =>  "135024"  ->  "304152"
encrypt("012345", 3)  =>  "135024"  ->  "304152"  ->  "012345"
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  • Together with the encryption function, you should also implement A decryption function which reverses the process.
  • If the string S is an empty value or the integer N is not positive, return the first argument without changes.
Task URL: Link

My Solution:

def encrypt(text: str, n: int) -> str:

    if not text or n < 0:
        return text

    for _ in range(n):

        odd_chars = []
        even_chars = []

        for i, char in enumerate(text):

            if i % 2:

        text = ''.join(odd_chars + even_chars)

    return text

def decrypt(encrypted_text: str, n: int) -> str:

    if not encrypted_text or n < 0:
        return encrypted_text

    length = len(encrypted_text)
    half_length = length // 2

    for _ in range(n):

        odd_chars = encrypted_text[:half_length]
        even_chars = encrypted_text[half_length:]

        decrypted_chars = []

        for i, j in zip(even_chars, odd_chars):


        if length % 2 == 1:


        encrypted_text = ''.join(decrypted_chars)

    return encrypted_text
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