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Mahmoud EL-kariouny
Mahmoud EL-kariouny

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Python 🐍 challenge_33βš”οΈ

Credit Card Mask πŸ’³

  • Usually when you buy something, you're asked whether your credit card number,
  • phone number or answer to your most secret question is still correct.
  • However, since someone could look over your shoulder,
  • you don't want that shown on your screen. Instead, we mask it.

  • Your task is to write a function maskify,

  • which changes all but the last four characters into '#'.


"4556364607935616"      -->  "############5616"
"64607935616"           -->      "#######5616"
"1"                     -->                "1"
""                      -->                 ""

"What was the name of your first pet?"

"Skippy"                                    --> "##ippy"
"Nananananananananananananananana Batman!"  --> "####################################man!"
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My Solution:

def maskify(cc):
    Masks the credit card number by replacing 
        all but the last four characters with '#'
        cc (str): The credit card number as a string
        str: The masked credit card number
    credit_card = str(cc)

    if len(credit_card) == 1 or len(credit_card) == 4:
        return credit_card
    if credit_card == "":
        return ""

    start = credit_card[0:-4]
    end = credit_card[-4:]
    hash = len(start) * '#'
    hash_credit_card = "".join([hash, end])

    return hash_credit_card

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