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Do you code mobile-first?

Madza on April 08, 2021

According to Statcounter, the device market share in 2021 Q1 is: 54.25% - Mobile 42.9% - Desktop 2.85% - Tablet What is your preferred dev workfl...
cmuralisree profile image
Chittoji Murali Sree Krishna

As per web-dev I do like this:
I do mobile first, then I will start using media queries to control for desktop,

My point of view will be like:

font-size: 2rem;
@media (min-width: 900px){
font-size: 3.5rem;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Few people will say desktops screen width will be like 1440px, so start it from 1440px, I think 900px is enough, or we can go for 1000px if we want,
I never tried for tab view.

It's my opinion, few might like it, few might not

yoursunny profile image
Junxiao Shi • Edited

Sometimes, I use Pure CSS, and everything is responsive.

Other times:

<TABLE border=0 align=center width=960>
<EMBED src=main.swf></EMBED>
This website is best viewed on Internet Explorer 6.0 with 1024x768 resolution.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Each method has its benefits and drawbacks.

cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

This is funny haha

jayjeckel profile image
Jay Jeckel

I still design sites mostly the same way I did before smart phones were a thing. That said, even back in the day it was good practice to have your layout respond well when the user resized their browser. As I understand it, that seems to be the core idea of mobile-first, ie usefully displaying your content regardless of how small or big the available screen space.

souksyp profile image
Souk Syp. • Edited

Desktop view, then mobile.
Before Tailwind, I used to do mobile first.

decentralizuj profile image

I am back-end dev, but on solo-projects I must work on front-end too. I use mostly bulma, as it doesn't require any JS in rails (like bootstrap), but I saw some amazing things with Tailwind, so I have one question here (I know I can google this, but discussions are to ask, no?)

You say desktop-first (me too), but before Tailwind you used to go mobile first, which means you work desktop-first in Tailwind.

@manen say Tailwind require you to do mobile-first.

I would highly appreciate short answer about this, since I will use Tailwind in my current project Moriarty, to make GUI. Thanks!

souksyp profile image
Souk Syp.

Yes use Tailwind. Go desktop. Responsiveness can be added easily later if you know more about Tailwind.

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decentralizuj profile image
decentralizuj • Edited

I'm sorry, I didn't define the question very well. Does Tailwind require mobile first, or desktop-first, or doesn't matter? That's why I quoted answer that say "Tailwind require you to go mobile-first".

I know how to work on front-end, but I don't like it. I have knowledge (and work with) html, pure css or scss, template engines like haml, frameworks like bulma and bootstrap, but never used Tailwind (anyway that's not a problem).

I just need answer on this, from someone who used Tailwind.

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souksyp profile image
Souk Syp.

It doesn’t matter. It’s just a css framework.

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tqbit profile image
tq-bit • Edited

tailwind provides you utility classes. for instance, going from a 3-col grid view on desktop to 1-col on mobile is as hard as this:

class="grid-cols-1" <- smaller gadgets
class="md:grid-cols-2" <- medium
class="lg:grid-cols-3" <- larger devices

it's especially handy with Javascript framework components, but perhaps not the best choice if you cannot reuse templates or partials

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souksyp profile image
Souk Syp.

You can put these classes on the same element like this for responsiveness. Cool ?

<div class="grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Read the docs here

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theowlsden profile image
Shaquil Maria

@decentralizuj to answer your question, tailwind does not require you to work mobile-first, but they do encourage it. Their breakpoints work with min-width so it would be easier if you start mobile-first.

shareef profile image
Mohammed Nadeem Shareef

by default tailwind provide mobile first layout but you can easily configure it.

brandonwallace profile image
brandon_wallace • Edited

I start projects mobile first. It is easier to start at the mobile size in my opinion.
It is a nice challenge of getting a design to look good on a small screen. I even check mobile landscape view for when the phone is turned sideways.

@media only screen and (orientation: landscape) and (min-height: 320px) and (max-width: 600px) {
    /* code */
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The key is to make a drawing of the way it will look on mobile, tablet, and desktop before writing code.

I think that older developers go desktop first and newer developers lean more towards mobile first.

thepetermick profile image
Peter Mick

I use bootstrap. If you use the grid system that ships with it correctly it sorts out the responsiveness aspect for mobile devices. And as I go with the development I frequently check in Chrome Developer Tools how shitty or great things look like. HTH.

ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

What I do is, when making a website, first, make it work on a computer screen. I'll then use media queries and go down until my site works on a Galaxy Fold (280px wide, yikes!).

How I test it is using the Browser Inspector.
image of me testing responsivity with the browser inspector

bugsysailor profile image
Bugsy Sailor

I still design and code desktop first.

I understand this is a big no-no.

My only reason is personal preference. Most of my websites are personal projects with pretty small footprints. When I browse my own websites, and most of the web, its on desktop. My mobile experiences, which I admit is a lot 😬, is mostly limited to social media apps. So for all my websites it's a one person team, and between juggling many tasks as a retail business owner, it makes the most logical sense to develop in a way that's easiest and most enjoyable to me.

If that rant makes any sense. 🤷‍♀️

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

It depends, but I mostly code for myself.

  • For Electron-like webapp, desktop first; then adapt for mobile.
  • For mobile-enabled webapp / Cordova, mobile first, by some options in DevTools console.
  • For content-first websites, mobile first as well.

I have never (yet) code Tablet-first, or Touchscreen-first, now that you mentioned.

thalitadev profile image
Thalita G. • Edited

I always code desktop-first but prepare for the mobile version at the same time. I use the Bootstrap grid which already helps a lot with mobile responsiveness and put media queries on properties that are most definitely going to be desktop-only.

I've mostly worked with other designers throughout my career though, and usually the mobile version would be either a quick afterthought or not even considered at all. 😅 I can still get around with my own workflow with them, but it can sometimes be tough not knowing what they have in mind for mobile.

masterroshan profile image
TJ Johnson

Yes this is the way I would prefer to build an app, and why not every time?

  • Like anything, there's very little overhead if you're practiced at it
  • You start thinking in terms of the minimum needed to complete a full feature, which will ideally improve your ux at all sizes, you're removing what isn't necessary.
  • In my experience it's a lot more challenging to consider responsiveness after you've built out the features as desktop only. You're trying to remove stuff without breaking the feature, instead of adding stuff that simply takes advantage of larger screens.
jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster

I mostly code in the browser with mobile view active as we deploy all our apps as PWA. The great thing is, that you can already develop against a good bunch of mobile-related events and viewports without the need for a mobile. For testing beyond that, I deploy a local version to my home-network's integrated Intel NUC and test with a real mobile. Works out very good for us.

vonziu profile image
Konrad Stącel

For me, mobile-first is more logical. I start from the 320px width, and then I have 3 major breakpoints. 768, 992, and 1024.
For me, it works fine, cause most people are using phones to search on the web.
Additionally, there is(from my experience) less code as mobile elements are usually arranged one under another(they have display: block which is a default for sections or divs) and then they are placed next to each other on wider screens(switch to flex on let's say 768 or 992).
But other than these two pros above I can't see any real difference between mobile-first and desktop-first.

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

Depends of the projects actually but, always built with the web.

When I work as a consultant for corporate, it is almost always desktop first if not even desktop only nowadays (so far).

Projects I develop for clients and side projects as well are either "desktop and mobile at the same time" or mobile first.

theowlsden profile image
Shaquil Maria

I agree with this. For some projects like dashboards I do desktop only, but there are more simple projects that are both. Websites I always make mobile first.

maureento8888 profile image
Maureen T'O

I’m always mobile first because the media queries for desktop are easier to implement than override 😯

manen profile image

All my current web projects use Next.js with Tailwind, and Tailwind requires you to code mobile-first, and then add tablet, and finally desktop responsiveness, with the sm:, md:, lg:, and xl: prefixes.

nicm42 profile image

I personally don't think it matters as long as it works in the end. That's all the users care about it.

I used to do desktop-first because I looked at it on a computer first. But then I did a tutorial that pointed out the efficiency of mobile first and now I do that.

By efficiency I mean that on mobile you're generally going to have everything below each other. It's only when you go to desktop that you might want things next to each other and then you add a bit of flexbox or grid.

So your general would need nothing and your desktop CSS media query would need display: flex. But doing it the other way round, your general CSS would need display: flex, then your mobile media-query would need flex-direction: column.

Not that it's perfect. I find it's easier to to put things next to each other and then see at what point they don't fit, rather than put them below each other and estimate at what point they'll fit next to each other.

disgustingdev profile image

Totally depends on your core audience

Usually the most usable device might be defined before the actual development stage - when UX-responsible person/department goes for user research to understand major needs and issues of the user

knowing that, design tries to adjust fastest possible way of user journey - and if this is a PC, first design (and development) will be done on PC

If this is client-facin app (some online portal for everyone) - most probably it will be used from smartphone - so mobile-first comes there

zacharysarette profile image

Desktop first. Then 4k. Then mobile.

niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

both first. ideally, both should work equally well at all stages of development.

kilianvalkhof profile image
Kilian Valkhof

Mostly mobile first, but more realistically a bunch of different sizes at the same time through Polypane.

rahxuls profile image

I'm literally writing on this topic right now. You should always code mobile first.

geminii profile image

Mobile first too with tailwindcss 😍

sephiano1 profile image
Ihaza Omosefe

Ive actually never coded mobile first

sdifiore profile image
Sergio Di Fiore

I actually develop in Xamarin and deveope regularly for Mobile as well as for Windows Desktop... As for web I make resposive from the very begining...

alphavader profile image

Ill do mobile fist, but my clients not very often.. Even i advise them to.. Often it is desktop, and some responsive grid experience but not a full designed mobile first experience

koas profile image

Desktop first, since it usually is the most complex design. Going down is most of the time turning flex directions from row to column.

kaykaycodes profile image
Shanakay Hall

desktop then mobile. its more natural for me....although alot of people say otherwise.

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

I usually code desktop first and then work on a mobile app. I haven't learnt any web and mobile frameworks such as React Native Web or Flutter Web but that would be more efficent!

thalitadev profile image
Thalita G.

Mobile-first means first coding the mobile version of your site then coding the desktop view. It improves responsiveness of your site. This isn't about making a mobile app. :)

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

My mistake! Thanks for clarifying.

alpha_edit profile image

As a new dev, i prefer desktop then mobile. But i have heard than we should code mobile first then desktop.

natalia_asteria profile image
Natalia Asteria

I usually code mobile-first because most of the time I code on my tablet.