Hello reader! The purpose of this blog is to simply share some common java interview questions that I was asked in the past when going through job interviews with top finance firms. I hope that you'll find this useful.
- What is a class
- What is an object
- Object VS class
- Method overloading
- Method overriding
- Access modifiers (private, public, protected, default)
- Difference between method overloading VS method overriding
- Object-Oriented Programming: inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction and encapsulation.
- Aggregation and association.
- Dynamic binding (linked to abstraction)
- Static keyword
- Final keyword
- Strings: talk about why they're immutable and what happens in the memory (stack and heap). String is a class.
- Stringbuilder VS Stringbuffer
- Interface: why it's used.
- Can we have multiple inheritance? If not, why? What can we do instead?
- Difference between abstract class and interface
- Memory management: garbage collection, the types of garbage collectors
- How does a hashmap work internally
- Collections Framework
- Exception handling: throw, throws keywords, what is a runtime exception.
- Runtime Type Checking
- Difference between the keywords final, finally, finalize
- Try/Catch/ Finally block
- Exception propagation
- Multithreading: what is a thread, how to create a thread (Runnable interface OR Thread class)
- Thread safety
- Synchronize
- Difference between a set and a list
- Java 11 features
- SOLID Principles
- Test Driven Development
- Git commands
Good luck! πππ
Top comments (2)
Useful reminder of subjects to ask interviewees. Thanks!
Thank you for reading my post @jeffreyfate :)