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Iker Macaya Faber
Iker Macaya Faber

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Hooked Book #3 - Action

If the user does not take action, the trigger is useless.

Action it's the second step in the Hooked model and it's the simplest behavior in anticipation reward. So, doing must be easier than thinking.

As described by Dr. B. J. Fogg's behavior model:


A given Behavior will occur when Motivation, Ability and a Trigger are present at the same time.

Where motivation is the level of desire to take that action or the energy for that action and ability is the capacity to do a particular behavior and is influenced by six factors: time, money, physical effort, brain cycles, social deviance and non-routineness.

Every behavior is driven by one of three Core Motivators: seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, seeking hope and avoiding fear, and seeking social acceptance while avoiding social rejection.

Product designers can utilize many of the hundreds of heuristics to increase the likehood of their desired action like: the scarcity effect, the framing effect, the anchoring effect, the endowed progress effect and many others.

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