DEV Community


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Now what?

A blank page.

At the moment I am in the same boat as lots of developers and looking for a job. To be honest, it is not going too well. There are a couple of factors as to why; being a bit too inexperienced, living in a foreign country without the language ability and the current job market. In a way I am really lucky, I can afford to not work because of my partner, however I always strived to be financially independent and it scares me to not be at the moment.

The whole game is emotionally draining and I am tired. Sometimes I even think about quitting. But I know that I just need one person to give me a chance and then it will all be well. In the meantime I should continue to work on my Frontend skills.

The game plan.

As I also want to write more and get into writing, I thought that writing about tech would be a great way to stay up to date. I am thinking of short and quick explanations about Frontend technologies I am interested in and that I use. A short post every other day. First here and maybe late on my own blog. Who knows? A commitment while I continue searching for new opportunities.

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