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Abisola Adesegun
Abisola Adesegun

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Create And Deploy A Webapp On AWS Using CLI

Table of Contents
Step 1: Create an instance
Step 2: Connect the instance using Public IP Address
Step 3: Install Apache
Step 4: Deploy web application
Step 5: Verify the deployment
Step 6: Clean up
Step 7: Conclusion

Creating and deploying a web app using GitHub repo and AWS involves a few key steps, including setting up your AWS environment, configuring GitHub Actions, and automating the deployment process. Below is a general guide to achieve this.

Step 1: Create an instance

  • Click instances on the left pane then click launch and configure it.

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  • Select Ubuntu as the image

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  • Generate the key-pair

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  • Allow ssh and HTTP traffic from the internet

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  • Leave Networking, storage and others at default

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  • Launch the instance then click the instance id and we have:

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  • Select the instance created to see all the instance info

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Step 2: Connect the instance using Public IP Address
Open your VS Code, select bash and run the below code

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Step 3: Install Apache

  • Update the independences in the VM

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  • Then install the Apache running the below command

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  • Start and enable Apache

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Step 4: Deploy web application

  • Confirm that git is installed by running:

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  • Clone the git

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  • Enter into Apache file

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  • Move everything in this direcory to html directory

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Step 5: Verify the deployment
Verify on a new browser using the Public IP Address

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Step 6: Clean up
Select the instance, go to Instance State and select Terminate

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Step 7: Conclusion
You have successfully created and deployed a web application on AWS using the AWS CLI. This method allows you to automate your deployment.

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