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Cover image for Setting Up A LAMP Stack
Abisola Adesegun
Abisola Adesegun

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Setting Up A LAMP Stack

Table of Contents
Step 1: Launch an EC2 Instance
Step 2: Connect to the EC2 Instance
Step 3: Install Apache
Step 4: Install MySQL
Step 5: Install PHP
Step 6: Set Up Virtual Hosts
Step 7: Test with HTML scripts
Step 8: Enable PHP on the website
Step 9: Configure Apache for PHP

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on an AWS EC2 t2.micro instance with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS for a DevOps project.

Step 1: Launch an EC2 Instance

  • Log in to AWS Management Console:

  • Click on Launch Instance.

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  • Configure instance:

Name: Give your instance a name (e.g., "LAMP Server").
AMI: Select Ubuntu 24.04 LTS HVM (64-bit architecture).
Instance type: Choose t2.micro (eligible for free tier).

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  • Assign a key pair for SSH access.

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  • Configure Security Group:

Add the following rules:
SSH (port 22) for remote access.
HTTP (port 80) for web traffic.
HTTPS (port 443) for secure web traffic.

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  • Launch the instance.

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Step 2: Connect to the EC2 Instance

  • Open a terminal (or use VSCode Terminal if preferred).

  • Connect to your instance using SSH:
    Use the key pair to SSH into the instance:

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  • Update and upgrade the packages:

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Step 3: Install Apache

  • Install Apache:

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  • Verify Apache

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  • Open your browser and navigate to your EC2 public IP. You should see the Apache default page.

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Or eun the below command:

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Step 4: Install MySQL

  • Install MySQL Server:

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Secure MySQL installation:

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  • Set a root password and follow the prompts to secure your MySQL instance. By following the prompts to set up the root password, remove anonymous users, disallow remote root login, and more.

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  • Log in to MySQL to ensure it works: Enter the root password you created, and you should have access to the MySQL shell.

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Step 5: Install PHP

  • Install PHP and necessary PHP extensions for Apache and MySQL:

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  • Check PHP Version

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  • Restart Apache to load PHP:

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Step 6: Set Up Virtual Hosts

  • Create a new directory for your website:

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  • Create a new virtual host file:

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  • Add the following content to configure the virtual host:

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  • Enable the virtual host using the below commands one by one:

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Step 7: Test with HTML scripts

  • Navigate to the project path

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  • Create an index.html file

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  • Open and edit the file, then paste the html contents below.

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  • View the contents of index.html file.

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Step 8: Enable PHP on the website

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Step 9: Configure Apache for PHP

  • Update Apache's default directory index file:

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  • Add the following content:

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  • Save and exit (Ctrl+X, Y, then Enter).

In your browser, go to http:///info.php. You should see a PHP information page.

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  • Thereafter, remove PHP info page: For security reasons, delete the PHP info page after testing:

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  • Access the test file:

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